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Monday, December 31, 2012

Selamat Menyambut Tahun Baru 2013!

Selamat tinggal 2012 dan selamat datang 2013.

Alhamdulillah..2012 baru sahaja meninggalkan kita dan kini kita berada didalam kalendar masihi 2013. Dengan bermulanya tahun baru mengikut tradition kebanyakan kita akan wujudkan satu senarai wish list sebagai garis panduan untuk kita ikuti sepanjang tahun baru. Tetapi malangnya tak semua kita yang mempunyai tahap konsistensi yang tinggi untuk follow through senarai yang telah dibuat. Mungkin pada tahun ini kita akan mulakan senarai yang teratas, ia itu azam yang kuat untuk melaksanakan semua perkara yang telah disenaraikan. Insyaallah, dengan azam yang jitu dan semangat yang berkobar-kobar apa yang dirancang akan dimakbulkan Allah.

Baiklah..disini ingin kami senaraikan beberapa perkara yang merupakan cadangan Resolusi Tahun Baru 2013:

  • Mempertingkatkan Taqwa kepada Allah s.w.t
  • Memperbaiki Akhlak
  • Selalu ke masjid Berjemaah (terutama bagi kaum muslimin)
  • Menghidupkan semangat Berjiran
  • Perbanyakan Sangkabaik dan kalau boleh hapuskan sama sekali sangkaburuk
  • Menanam budaya Sayang keluarga dan saudara se Islam
  • Menimba Ilmu seberapa banyak yang mungkin
  • Bekerjasama didalam apa jua aktiviti yang bakal mendapat keridhaan Allah
  • Memberi cadangan yang bernih menuju kearah keutuhan ummah
  • Menonjolkan imej Islam sebagai satu agama yang wajib diikuti.
Tuan/Puan mungkin ada senarai resolusi masing-masing tetapi yang penting adakah Tuan/Puan mempunyai kesungguhan untuk follow through. Kami berharap apa yang dirancangkan dan yang didokumentasikan akan dapat di laksanakan sebaik mungkin..Insyaallah.

Selamat Tahun Baru 2013 dari Barisan AJK JARINGAN.

- Yang DiPertua -

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

30 Something

The Prophet ﷺ (peace be upon him) said, “Order your children to pray at seven and hit them [for not praying] at the age of ten.”

In a recent comparative law class this hadith (narration) was addressed by one of our professors. He writes that the order here is not actually for the child, as a child is not mukalaf (charged with the responsibility to worship), but the order is in fact directed towards the guardian of the child. I pondered on that for some time and thought I would share where my thoughts led me:

Many of us have entered our thirties and found that our twenties went by like a flash. Now our little babies have suddenly grown up into little boys and girls before our very eyes. The thirties is really a strange period and, at times, reminds me of the time right after my high school graduation. What next? What are my plans? However, instead of thinking about my next academic move, financial responsibilities began to haunt me. The rising cost of living, insurance for the family, paying the high price for Islamic Education and future college costs are constantly replayed in my mind. And then, there is that massive demon known as home ownership. We get caught up, careers get tiring and we begin to drown in the sea of just plain survival. Then there is the reality that in a few short years we will be hitting our 50′s and preparing to retire and eventually meet Allah subhanahu wa ta`ala (exalted is He).

The soul takes a hit in the thirties. We become busy and, in many ways, we feel that we’re not respected. If the thirties were a child it would have to be the middle one. Not quite old enough to handle things and not too small to be absolved of responsibility. Thus, and I’ve found this in my own person, taking advice and humbling one’s self is not easy. “I’m thirty not twenty!” I have that one gray hair there on the front of my beard give me some respect.

A Gift for Parents and the Hadith above
Allah (swt) has made zikir (remembrance) one of the important keys to the believer’s survival. However, during the twenties and thirties it is hard, at times, to take the reminder from others. At twenty, man you’re on top of the globe, and at thirty, you think you understand it. Thus, Allah (swt) in His wisdom and mercy orders us to order our children to pray. This is significant because the order is not directed to the child but to the mother, father or caretaker. Thus, while encouraging our children to pray we might stop and reflect on the following:
1. Hey, I don’t even pray
2. My prayer is not good
3. My relationship with Allah is down the tubes

Ahhhh what mercy! The shot is given and the patient feels nothing. Allah’s love is so great, so powerful and so intense that He knows that at this age we are not trying to hear anything from anybody. Thus, a sweet breeze comes and makes the patient the doctor. Sit, think and ask yourself while advising your little ones to pray, “Who is the order for?” Then remember the verse, “Why do you say what you don’t do?” The order is a gift, for you akhi and ukhti (brother and sister)! However. Allah is so cautious, so concerned with you, that He reminds you by ordering you to remind your little ones. Thus, the speaker is the one spoken to. Really, one has to be awed at this divine wisdom, the mercy and love of Allah (swt).

Thus, Dear Brothers and Sisters
This is a reminder for those of us struggling to swim in the deep sea known as the thirties to come back to Allah (swt). Truly, Allah has blessed our children to be a light for us. If we remind them now we are reminding ourselves and, inshallah(God willing), when we are older they will remind us again.

Some ideas on tying your children’s hearts to the Throne of Allah through prayers:
1. Mothers & Fathers take your (one is better) kids to the masjid. Have a competition between them:
Monday is Fatimah’s night
Tuesday is Ahmed’s
Then offer a prize to the one who prayed the best and acted the best in the masjid at the end of the week.
2. A Sheikh once told me that whenever his father would take him to the mosque he would give him some sweets after prayer if the boy did good. He told me, and this Sheikh still has a sweet tooth, that after that he associated the masjid with something sweet and nice. Thus, when he grew older he was attached to the masjid and those wonderful memories.

May Allah give us wisdom and patience to be noble parents. May Allah protect our children and make them the next ‘Umar or Aiesha.

Your brother Suhaib

1. It should be noted that hitting here, as defined by Islamic Law, means a mere, at the most, spanking. However, if the spanking leaves a mark or a bruise, then it is a prohibited act and denounced by Islam. Thus, from a tap to a light spanking is permitted.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

MTDH: Pengambilan Pelajar Tahfiz 2013

Assalamu’alaikum wrt,

Pengambilan pelajar baru 2013 Maahad Tahfiz Darul Hafidzin (MTDH) dibuka sekarang.

MTDH mempelawa anak-akan berumur 12 tahun ke atas yang berminat menceburi bidang hafazan Al-Quran agar mendaftar segera. Kepada yang berminat sila berhubung terus dengan mudir MTDH, Ustaz Ashari Al-Hafiz di talian 019-6952099 atau email kepada

“Akhirat di utamakan, dunia tidak diabaikan”
Sila layari laman blog kami untuk makluman selanjutnya di 

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Perhatian! ROMPAKAN!!

Pada jam 6:45 pagi ini (17.12.2012) Klinik Perubatan Cinta, bersebelahan pasar ikan Hj. Malik Hassan di Jalan Kenanga telah dirompak oleh 2 orang anak muda bermotosikal. Penjaga kedai telah ditetak dengan parang.

Sesiapa yang mempunyai maklumat berkaitan rompakan ini diminta kebalai polis Bandar Sri Damansara untuk membantu siasatan.

Sekian dan berhati-hati.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

FDIs not flowing as freely into Malaysia, says Tengku Razaleigh

Eva Yeong, The Sun Daily
Wednesday, 05 December 2012 Super Admin

Malaysia is no longer attracting foreign direct investments (FDIs) as freely as it used to, said former finance minister Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah, adding that the country is not investing enough to meet its aspirations.

"Private investment now makes up a smaller portion of the country's gross domestic product (GDP). Although we continue to maintain a relatively high national savings rate, some of those savings have gone overseas," the Gua Musang member of parliament said in his keynote address on "Pragmatism in the Face of Present Economic Outlook" at the MIER National Economic Outlook Conference 2013/2014 here yesterday.

"Malaysia has become a premature exporter of capital, a characteristic that is unbecoming of a growing, high potential economy.

"There is also this silent issue of capital flight, whether it is in the form of over-invoicing by corporates or personal wealth leakages," he added.

On the domestic production front, he said the nation depends on a relatively narrow spectrum of growth drivers, while the government's revenue base is just as limited and the issue of fuel subsidies has to be addressed quickly.

Tengku Razaleigh said the removal of petrol subsidies is imperative as it is a drag on government finances and an impediment to proper resource allocation.

"In order to protect the average consumer, perhaps we can begin by applying an implicit subsidy cut on large engine capacity vehicle owners via a higher road tax," he said.

Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Tan Sri Nor Mohamed Yakcop said private investment is expected to account for 30% of the country's total investments next year.

"Private investment, which grew marginally by 2.5% during 2005 to 2009 period, registered a double digit growth of 15.5% in 2010 and 12.2% in 2011.

"Even more encouraging, it grew on an annualised basis of 22.2% in the first half of this year," he said at the opening of the event.

Meanwhile, RAM Holdings Bhd senior general manager and group chief economist Dr Yeah Kim Leng. said domestic-based sectors and services need to grow at a faster pace in order to have a sustainable domestic-driven growth.

"Domestic demand has actually helped the Malaysian economy offset the global demand over the last decade and more importantly, in the post global financial crisis year of 2010 and 2011, domestic demand has actually been offsetting the negative growth from exports," he told reporters on the sidelines of the conference.

"Domestic demand can help smoothen Malaysia's output fluctuations.

"Use domestic demand to enhance resilience because Malaysia is such an open economy with exports contributing more than 100% of GDP. We are actually subject to a lot of these external demand shocks," he added.

Yeah said next year's GDP growth will remain above 5% with RAM Ratings maintaining its forecast of 5.3% for 2013.

He said the two major risks are the continuing Eurozone debt crisis that could potentially result in double dip for the global economy and the fiscal cliff.

"If these two don't happen, Asia, with improving indicators from China and other emerging countries, will be in a strong position to capitalise on the regional growth and demand.

"Combined with our resilient domestic demand, there won't be any major shock to our investor confidence and consumer spending," he added.


Friday, November 30, 2012

Palestine on the roadmap to Statehood

30 Nov 2012
VPM celebrates with Palestine and all peace and justice loving people and nations of the world on this historic recognition by the UN General Assembly. An overwhelming 138 votes out of 193 member states clearly highlights Israel’s growing international isolation. Coupled with the earlier successful UNESCO bid in October 2011 and coming at the heels of the 8 day massacre of Gaza, this underpins the growing solidarity of nations for the Palestinian struggle and its abhorrence of the unending heinous and criminal acts of Israel.

Malaysia has always been a staunch advocate for Palestinian rights for statehood and this vindicates the untiring and unrelenting efforts of  our leaders and citizens to champion the Palestinian cause.
The swift and phenomenal generosity of Malaysians, morally and financially during the recent Israeli attacks on Gaza demonstrates our unwavering support for this noble and humanitarian cause. To paraphrase Nelson Mandela “the freedom we presently enjoy in Malaysia is incomplete without the freedom of the Palestinians.” VPM hopes this would further enhance Malaysia's role in the international arena to negotiate for the ultimate peace in the Middle East.

The recent 2 years of stalemate in peace negotiations  was primarily a consequence of Israel's intransigence on the issues of illegal settlements in the West Bank, siege and blockade of Gaza and her aggressive settler colonialist policies. Despite Israeli’s resistance, this international reaffirmation of Palestine as a nation state, will unleash new momentum to the peace process under the watchful eyes of all nations of the world brokered by just and fair nations unlike presently by pro-Israeli mediators namely the US and Britain.

This wider international recognition would enable Palestine to enjoy the various Statutes of the UN and initiate a "Legal Intifadah". Her membership of the Rome Statute for  the International Criminal Court (ICC)  and Statute for the International Court of Justice (ICJ),  would allow her to file a complaint against the illegal settlements and Israeli war crimes in Gaza. The legal and political muscle of these instruments of international law cannot be underestimated considering that even Britain went to the extent of negotiating a possible "Yes" vote if the Palestinians were agreeable to renounce their right to take matters to the ICC and ICJ.
The latest Gaza attacks and  international consensus in the General Assembly have exposed unequivocally the dark side, the systematic violent and aggressive nature of Israel, relegating her to a "pariah nation" status. Its indiscriminate deployment of massive, disproportionate and lethal force against a relatively defenseless Palestine, is a clear violation of human rights and International Humanitarian Law (IHL) and these not only represent war crimes but also crimes against humanity and  crimes against peace.

With  impunity, the Israeli Occupying Forces (IOF) have been largely immune to IHL and are triggering a Palestinian "Shoah" (Hebrew for Holocaust). South African Archbishop Desmond Tutu describing the humanitarian crisis in Palestine as even worse than Apartheid in South Africa further cautioned, "our silence and complicity, especially on the situation in Gaza, shames us all.”

The Palestinians, namely Fatah and Hamas need to get their act together, settle their internal differences amicably, push forth with the peace initiative and be truly representative of the aspirations of the Palestinian people for peace, justice and the right of return to their homeland.

Their political gesture to settle with the borders of 1967, which  represents only 22% of historic Palestine is symbolic of their magnanimity and honest quest for a peaceful settlement. Israel needs to reciprocate this genuine desire for peaceful co-existence by stopping all illegal settlements and withdrawing to the borders of 1967, lifting its siege of Gaza and ending its occupation of Palestine.

VPM lauds all the 138 nations for their courage in standing up to political bullies and putting Palestine on the roadmap to nationhood. The time of reckoning has begun and the wave of change is here to stay.

Dato' Dr Musa Mohd Nordin
Chairman, VPM

Monday, November 26, 2012

Kuliah Maghrib Bersama Sheikh Syed Afeefuddin

Tajuk: Dipetik dari Kitab Ayyuhal Walad
Penceramah: Syeikh Syed Afeefuddin Abdul Qadir Al Jailani
Tarikh: Khamis, 29 Nov 2012
Masa: After Solat Maghrib
Tempat: Masjid Al Mukarramah, Bandar Sri Damansara.

Tolong uar-uarkan (Please pass on to others). Jazakallahu khairan.

- Biro Dakwah JARINGAN -

Karnival Sukan Remaja ke4 2012

JARINGAN bersama Masjid Al-Mukarramah dan PIBG SMK BSD2 akan menganjurkan acara tahunan Karnival Sukan Remaja buat kali ke 4 pada tahun ini. Tuan/Puan sekalian di jemput hadir bagi menjayakan program ini. Disamping itu Tuan/Puan juga digalakan menyertai pelbagai aktiviti yang telah di jadualkan.

Untuk pengetahuan umum Jaringan juga akan menjalankan aktiviti RECYCLING pada hari yang sama. Tuan/Puan yang berminat bolehlah membawa barang-barang yang hendak di kitar semula seperti suratkhabar lama, botol plastik, besi buruk, mesin yang telah rosak seperti peti ais, washing machine, tv, komputer, monitor dsb.

Program ini akan diadakan seperti berikut:
  • Tarikh: Sabtu 01hb Disember 2012
  • Masa: Jam 8pagi - 6petang
  • Tempat: SMK Bandar Sri Damansara 2, Persiaran Meranti dan Padang SK BSD1
Diantara aktiviti yang akan dijalankan:
  • Acara Sukan Padang
  • Acara Sukan Dalaman
  • Acara Istimewa
  • Gerai-gerai Jualan
  • Gerai Pertunjukan
  • dsb

Sebarang pertanyaan boleh diajukan kepada Hj Nor Azam (0126656484) atau Hjh Wan Mahiran (0123604526)

- Biro Rekreasi, Hal Ehwal Sosial & Remaja JARINGAN -

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Security Alert

Intensive Da’wah Training Course 2012/13


Intensive Da’wah Training Course 2012/13
(Phase 1, Session 2)

"Getting to Know the Religion of the Christians"

‘You will certainly find that the closest of them in friendship with the believers are those who say, “We are Christians”. That is because among them there are priests and monks, and because they are not arrogant.’ (Qur’an 5:82)

How well do we know of these people whom Allah has described as being closest to Muslims in friendship? Why is Allah telling us about them?

‘Never will the Jews or the Christians be satisfied with you unless you follow their form of religion. Say: "The Guidance of Allah that is the (only) Guidance." If you are to follow their desires, after the knowledge which has reached you, then you would find neither protector nor Helper against Allah’ (Qur’an 2:120)

Why is Allah warning us? And how could we hope to heed that warning unless we are familiar with Christianity and its teachings? TO BE FOREWARNED IS TO BE FOREARMED!!!

Insha'allah, by the end of this 2-day session, you will know everything you need to know on this interesting and pertinent subject.

Speakers :
1. Bro. Kamarudin Abdullah (President, IPSI)
2. Bro. Mohamed Sirajudin bin Mohamed Kamal (Treasurer, IPSI)

Date : 1st & 2nd December 2012 (Saturday & Sunday)

Time : 9 am - 5 pm

Venue : Sheikh Ahmed Deedat Auditorium, Level 1, IPSI Building, No. 197, Argyll Road, 10050 Georgetown, Penang.

All are welcome.

Register early to avoid disappointment.

Fee : RM100 per person for 2 days (Student rate : RM 50)

For more info & registration, please contact IPSI @ +604-227 4847/49 or

*** For students who need sponsorship, please contact IPSI @ +604-227 4849

Jazak Allah Khair

Islamic Propagation Society International (IPSI)
[Pertubuhan Penyebaran Islam Antarabangsa]
Levels 1, 2 and 3,
No. 197, Argyll Road,
10050 Georgetown, Penang, Malaysia

P :  +604-227 4846/47/49
F : +604-227 4849
E :
W :
FB : IPSIMalaysia

Friday, November 16, 2012

Israeli Invasion of Gaza - Press Release from VPM

15 November 2012
The serial military incursions of Israel on the autonomous Gaza Strip over the recent few weeks have now escalated into a virtual invasion with incessant bombings from both the air and sea. The present large scale bombardment of Gaza over the past 24 hours is very reminiscent of the genocidal massacre committed by the Israeli military in Operation Cast Lead in December 2008.

The present carnage known as Operation Pillar of Defense is yet another display of Israel’s contempt for International Law and its ruthless defiance of  accepted norms of co-existence both in times of peace and war. It has been unrelenting in its militaristic occupation mode, expanding its illegitimate settlements in the West bank, blockade of the Gaza Strip and now embarking on mass killings of  innocent civilians and wanton destruction of property in Operation Pillar of Defense.

Independent eye witness accounts and broadcasts from within Gaza has authenticated the fatalities, severe bodily injuries inflicted on ordinary Gazans and the damages to civilian properties. Thus dispelling the many news distortions from partisan Zionist media houses.

The United Nations, European Union and other world power brokers need to act fast and rein in the heinous acts of Israel or will soon become abject Zionist stooges like some, allowing it with impunity to do as it pleases in the Middle East and beyond.

The spirit of the “Arab Spring” of 2011 which swept across the Middle East, overthrowing  regimes complicit with Israel’s policies and supported by some super powers, should be universally unified and enhanced to demonstrate their support for Palestinian rights. And like “New Egypt” recall their ambassadors and initiate the expulsion of Israeli diplomats from their respective countries.

The defence of Gaza and ultimately the end of the occupation in Palestine is duty bound upon all peace loving and free people of the world and VPM calls upon nations, institutions and individuals to actively participate in this humanitarian duty. Nelson Mandela sums it well when he said, “Palestine is the worst moral crisis of our times”. Thus making it a humanitarian crisis;  a colossal failure of our collective humanity.

VPM in solidarity with civil society throughout the peaceful world denounces in no uncertain terms the Israeli aggression in Gaza. VPM calls for an immediate cessation of the air strikes and bombardment and an end to the siege of Gaza.

We emphatise with the misfortune that has befallen the ordinary people of Gaza, the loss of human lives, property and their basic human right to peace, freedom and justice. We nonetheless salute the brave Palestinians who have not wavered in their resolve to acquire what is rightfully theirs since the annexation of their lands in 1948.

Dato’ Dr Musa Mohd Nordin
Viva Palestina Malaysia (VPM)

Thursday, October 25, 2012


Kami ingin mengambil kesempatan pada hari yang diberkati Allah ini untuk memohon ampun dan maaf sekiranya terdapat apa-apa kekurangan dan kesilapan yang telah berlaku semasa kami memegang amanah sebagai AJK Jaringan.

Kami juga mengalu-alukan sebarang cadangan dari ahli Jaringan untuk memperkasakan lagi usaha kita untuk memantapkan perjalanan menuju destinasi yang di redhai Allah. Perbanyakan usaha untuk mempertingkatkan iman, takwa dan akhlak.

Sekian. Selamat Menyambut Aidil-Adha 1433H.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Notis Kelas Dhuha


Semua muslimin dan muslimah dijemput hadir bagi menjayakan program.

Penceramah: Ust. Haslin Baharin
Topik: Perihal Akhlak
Tarikh: 20 Oktober 2012 (Sabtu)
Masa: 10 pagi
Tempat: Dewan Muslimah, Masjid Al-Mukarramah, Bdr Sri Damansara, KL

Tolong uar-uarkan. Terima Kasih.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Forum: Syiah: Agama Atau Mazhab?

Semua muslimin dan muslimah di jemput hadir bagi menjayakan program ini.

Tajuk: Syiah | Agama atau mazahab?
Tarikh: Sabtu 20hb Oktober 2012
Masa: Selepas solat Maghrib
Tempat: Masjid Al-Mukarramah (MAM), Bandar Sri Damansara, KL
Anjuran: Remaja MAM bersama Pertubuhan Jaringan Komuniti Islam Kuala Lumpur

Ahli Panel: Ust. Dr. Abdul Aziz Bin Hanafi (Tokoh Maal Hijrah 2011 dan Ahli Majlis Fatwa Kedah) dan Ust Nasim Bin Abd Rauf (Darul Khauthar)

Moderator: Ust Adli Bin Mohd Saad (Yayasan Ta'lim)
Broadcast Partner: ISMA TV

Saturday, August 18, 2012



Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Bubur Lambuk Ramadan 1433H

Semua anak qariah dan ahli JARINGAN dijemput hadir ke Masjid Al-Mukarramah, Bandar Sri Damansara,  pada hari Sabtu 4 Ogos 2012 selepas solat Asar untuk mengambil bahagian masing-masing.

Sukarelawan dialu-alukan untuk bergotong royong menyediakan bubur lambuk di kedai Hj Malek pada pagi Sabtu circa 8-9am

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Training Satria Muda

Remaja di anggap sebagai agen perubahan masyarakat. Golongan ini dapat memberikan satu kelainan baru dalam merubah pola pemikiran masyarakat. Remaja yang berketerampilan dan berilmu pengetahuan akan dapat memberikan pandangan dan sumbangan yang berharga kepada negara. Mereka juga perlu menunjukkan kesungguhan dan ketekunan dalam bidang akademik untuk memastikan pencapaian yang cemerlang dalam bidang yang diceburi. Ini selaras dengan saranan Tun Dr. Mahathir yang menggesa pelajar supaya menyediakan diri ke arah mencapai wawasan 2020 dengan menghindarkan diri daripada dikuasai budaya dan nilai hidup kebaratan yang tidak sesuai dengan kemajuan negara. Ini bertujuan untuk mewujudkan sebuah masyarakat, terutama sekali pelajar-pelajar yang seimbang dari segi perkembangan minda, jiwa, jasmani dan juga rohani.

Setelah menamatkan kursus  para peserta diharapkan akan mampu:-
1 Melahirkan individu yang memegang teguh nilai-nilai murni yang berteraskan prinsip Rukun Negara Pertama iaitu “Kepercayaan Kepada Tuhan”.
2 Menciptakan semangat kerjasama dan berpasukan yang tinggi.
3 Mengeluarkan Kecerdasan Emotional sehingga mampu bersedia berkhidmat dengan  masyarakat sekeliling dalam kehidupan sosial.
4 Mengeluarkan Kecerdasan Spiritual sehingga setiap apa yang dilakukan dengan  penuh pemaknaan.
5 Mempunyai sudut pandang yang jelas tanpa sebarang belenggu yang menutupi  potensi.
6 Membangun Kecerdasan Emosi mereka dengan cara berfikir / mentaliti yang teguh.
7 Menyeimbangkan antara Kecerdasan Intektual, Kecerdasan Emosional dan Kecerdasan Spiritual dalam aktiviti-aktiviti seharian mereka. 

Sesiapa yang berminat sila hubungi Pn. Faridah (0178802379). Yuran penyertaan RM50.00 sahaja untuk program dua hari. Sasaran peserta: remaja 13-22 tahun. Tempat terhad (first come first serve).


Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Notis Mesyuarat JARINGAN Kali Pertama Sesi 2012-2014

Ahli Jawatan Kuasa



Dengan segala hormatnya perkara di atas dirujuki.

2. Sehubungan itu tuan /puan dijemput untuk hadir dalam mesyuarat tersebut di atas seperti ketetapan berikut :

Tarikh : 28 JULAI 2012 (SABTU)
Masa : 11.30 pagi.
Tempat: Bilik Muslimah, MAM.
Agenda :
Perutusan Pengerusi
Membaca dan mengesahkan minit mesyuarat lalu.
Pembentangan Laporan Kewangan
Perkara Berbangkit
Perkara-perkara Baharu (perlantikan Ketua Biro, Penandatangan Chek, dsb)
Hal-hal lain.

Kehadiran tuan/puan untuk mesyuarat di atas terlebih dahulu diucapkan terima kasih.

Sekian, terima kasih.

-Hj. Dr. Zainuddin Harun-



Hari /Tarikh
Nama Kertas
1 Ogos 2012
Bahasa Melayu Kertas 2
Bahasa Melayu Kertas 1
Sains Kertas 1
7.40 – 9.40 am
9.40 – 10.00 am
10.20 – 11.20 am
11.25 – 12.25 pm
2 jam
20 min
1 jam
1 jam

2 Ogos 2012
Bahasa Inggeris 1
Bahasa Inggeris 2
Sains Kertas 2
7.40 – 8.40 am
8.50 – 10.20 am
10.20 – 10.40 am
10.50 – 12.20 pm
1 jam
1 ½ jam
20 min
1 ½ jam

Guru waktu ke5 masuk masa Rehat
3 Ogos 2012
Bahasa Cina Kertas 2
7.50 – 9.50 am
9.55 – 10.15 am
11.10 – 12.25 pm
2 jam
20 minit
1 ¼ jam

7 Ogos 2012
Pendidikan Islam
Pendidikan Moral
7.40 – 9.40 am
8.40 – 9.40 am
9.40 – 10.00 am
11.10 – 12.25 pm
2 jam
1 jam
20 minit
1 ¼ jam

8 Ogos 2012
Bahasa Cina Kertas 1
Matematik Kertas 1
Matematik 2
7.40 – 8.40 am
8.50 – 10.05 am
10.15 – 10.35 am
10.40 – 12.25 pm
1 jam
1 ¼ jam
20 minit
1 ¾ jam

Guru waktu ke5 masuk masa Rehat
9 Ogos 2012
Kemahiran Hidup
8.00 – 9.00 am
9.40 – 10.00 am
10.50 – 12.20pm
1 jam
20 minit
1 ½ jam

10 Ogos 2012
Pendidikan Seni

7.40 – 8.40 am
8.50 – 9.50 am
9.55 – 10.15 am
10.15 – 12.35 pm
1 jam
1 jam
20 minit



1. Sepanjang tempoh peperiksaan,  murid-murid WAJIB mematuhi waktu persekolahan iaitu dari 7.30 pagi hingga 12.30 tengah hari. Murid-murid TIDAK DIBENARKAN DATANG LEWAT ATAU BALIK AWAL.
2. Semasa  peperiksaan berlangsung, murid-murid tidak boleh ke tandas KECUALI  kes kecemasan.
3. Tindakan disiplin akan diambil ke atas murid yang  meniru dan pihak yang memberi tiru.
4. Murid yang tidak hadir atas apa jua sebab untuk mana-mana kertas tidak akan dibenarkan menduduki kertas tersebut pada tarikh yang lain dan akan dicatat TIDAK HADIR  dalam pelaporan akademik.
5. Murid yang tidak hadir untuk mana-mana kertas sesuatu mata pelajaran akan dicatat TIDAK HADIR untuk mata pelajaran tersebut walaupun murid-murid telah menduduki kertas lain.





* Tarikh-tarikh di atas tidak mutamad, boleh berubah.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Jemputan Ke Majlis Iftar dan Solat Tarawih, Ramadan 1433H

Semua ahli JARINGAN dijemput ke Surau Al-Azhar (Persiaran Cempaka) pada hari Sabtu 21hb Julai 2012 dan Surau Al-Ukhwah (Persiaran Meranti) pada hari Sabtu 28hb Julai 2012 untuk sama-sama berbuka puasa dan seterusnya menunaikan solat fardu dan solat tarawih berjemaah. Majlis ini adalah diatas ikhsan/sumbangan dari ahli Jaringan. Jazakallahukhairan.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Program Pendidikan Pencegahan Dadah (PPDa) dan Karnival Usahawan Muda


Pengerusi dan Jawatankuasa Penganjur dengan segala hormatnya menjemput Tuan-Tuan dan Puan-Puan Ke Majlis Pelancaran Program Pendidikan Pencegahan Dadah (PPDa) dan Karnival Usahawan Muda

Pada : 14 Julai 2012 (Sabtu)
Waktu : 8.00 pagi
Tempat : SMK Bandar Sri Damansara 1
Perasmian : Pegawai Pejabat Pelajaran Daerah Petaling Utama.


7.30 pagi : Kehadiran Murid dan Guru
8.00 pagi : Ketibaan dif-dif Jemputan Sarapan Pagi
8.30 pagi :
  • Bacaan Doa
  • Ucapan Aluan Pengetua, SMK Bandar Sri Damansara 1
  • Ucapan Perasmian (Pegawai Pejabat Pelajaran Daerah Petaling Utama)
  • Gimik Perasmian
  • Persembahan Dikir Barat PPDa (SMK Taman Dato’ Harun, Petaling Jaya)
  • Persembahan Nasyid dan Coral Speeking PPDa
  • Persembahan Boria PPDa
  • Demonstrasi Anjing Pengesan
10.00 pagi:
  • Perasmian Bilik Kesihatan PPDa
  • Lawatan Lorong/ Sudut PPDa
  • Lawatan Gerai Jualan
  • Lawatan Gerai Pameran
1.00 petang: Bersurai

Sebarang pertanyaan sila hubungi:
SMK Bandar Sri Damansara 1
Persiaran Perdana, 52200 Kuala Lumpur.
Telefon : 03 – 6274 0927 Faks : 03 – 6274 1105 

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Notis Mesyuarat Agung JARINGAN Kali Kedua 2012

BSD - 02hb Julai 2012
  • Mesyuarat Agung Jaringan Yang Kedua 2012
  • Tarikh: 15 Julai 2012
  • Waktu: 9:30 pagi
  • Tempat: Bilik Muslimah, Masjid Al-Mukarramah, Bandar Sri Damansara, Kuala Lumpur
  • Semua ahli di jemput hadir
Mengikut Fasal 8(4) peraturan JARINGAN Tuan/Puan boleh mengemukakan usul atau cadangan pindaan Peraturan/Undang-undang Jaringan untuk dibincangkan didalam mesyuarat agung nanti. Oleh hal yang demikian Tuan/Puan diberi tempoh masa 14 hari dari tarikh notis ini untuk mengemukakan usul/pindaan.

Sekian dimaklumkan. Terima Kasih.

- Hj. Mois Alias -
Setiausaha JARINGAN

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Notis Mesyuarat JARINGAN

Semua AJK Jaringan dijemput menghadiri mesyuarat bulanan butiran seperti berikut:

  • Tarikh: Sabtu 19hb Mei 2012
  • Masa: 10 pagi
  • Lokasi: Pusat Sumber Ilmu, Masjid Al-Mukarramah
Agenda mesyuarat seperti berikut:
  • Ucapan Pengerusi
  • Mengesahkan minit mesyuarat yang bertarikh 07hb Jan 2012
  • Perkara-perkara berbangkit
  • Lapuran Setiausaha
  • Lapuran Bendahari
  • Lapuran Biro-Biro
  • Cadangan pindaan undang-undang Jaringan untuk dibawa ke AGM Jaringan
  • Hal-hal lain.
Peringatan: tolong bawa minit mesyuarat 07hb Jan 2012

Sekian. Terima Kasih.

-Hj. Mois Alias-
Setiausaha Jaringan

Kuliah Aqidah

Wednesday, March 28, 2012



Lingkaran Trans Kota Sdn. Bhd., the highway concessionaire of Lebuhraya Damansara-Puchong will be implementing a new traffic scheme from KM 4.8 Persiaran Surian in the direction towards Kepong. It will involve the closure of existing exit points from LDP to PENCHALA LINK and Mutiara Damansara/ Damansara Perdana/ Kg. Sg. Penchala. The new traffic scheme is to facilitate the final phase of construction associated with the Package 5B upgrading works and will begin at 12.00 am, 31st March 2012.

With the new traffic scheme, the following highway users are advised to adhere to the following:

Bandar Utama/ Damansara Utama/ Taman Tun Dr. Ismail/ Kuala Lumpur
Kepong/ Sg. Buloh
Keep to the three lane mainline on the right.
Penchala Link/ Damansara Perdana/ Mutiara Damansara/ Kg. Sg. Penchala
Keep to the left immediately after the junction at Persiaran Surian to enter the new LDP slip road. Follow the signages posted to the respective destinations.
Persiaran Surian
Penchala Link
Keep to the right immediately after entering the new LDP slip road. Follow the signages posted to the respective destinations.
Kepong/ Sg. Buloh/ Kg. Sg. Penchala
Keep to the left immediately after entering the new LDP slip road. Follow the signages posted to the respective destinations.
Thus, we seek your kind cooperation to disseminate this information among your Company’s employees in order to prevent any future difficulties and confusion regarding this matter. For further information, do visit our website at or call LITRAK hotline at 03 – 7494 7333. Attached herewith is the Schematic Plan of the effected area for your further acknowledgment.

We thank you for the kind cooperation and fast action.
Communication Department
Lingkaran Trans Kota Sdn. Bhd.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Notis Mesyuarat JARINGAN ke-2 2012

Sila ambil maklum mesyuarat di atas akan diadakan pada 10 Mac 2012 jam 10 pagi bertempat di bilik Sumber Masjid Al-Mukarramah, Bandar Sri Damansara, Kuala Lumpur. Ajenda mesyuarat seperti berikut:

  1. Ucapan Pengerusi
  2. Mengesahkan minit mesyuarat Jaringan bertarikh 07/02/2012
  3. Perkara-perkara berbangkit
  4. Lapuran Bendahari
  5. Lapuran Biro-biro
  6. Hal-hal Lain.
Sila bawa bersama minit mesyuarat Jaringan bertarikh 07/01/2012 yang telah dihantar kepada Tuan/Puan sebelum ini. Dimaklumkan juga bahawa jamuan tidak dapat disediakan. Diminta semua AJK membuat RSVP dengan Tn. Hj. Mois secepat mungkin.

Sekian. Harap Maklum.

Hj. Mois Alias | Setiausaha Jaringan

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Dana Tanah Wakaf Darul Atiq


Darul Atiq bertempat di Kg Melayu Rasa, Kuala Kubu Bharu telah dibangunkan semenjak 1982 oleh Almarhum Ustaz Hj Ghazali Hasbullah (Meninggal dunia Jumaat, 1 Rejab 1432 / 3 Jun 2011). Sekarang dikendalikan oleh anak sulung almarhum iaitu Ustaz Ahmad Rizam Ghazali.

Darul Atiq menempatkan golongan 'terbuang' seperti anak yatim, anak nakal yang tidak mampu dibela ibubapa mereka atau atas sebab-sebab lain, anak tidak berkeluarga, remaja terlanjur, penagih dadah, janda-janda dan mereka yang ada pelbagai masalah. Darul Atiq membimbing mereka dan melahirkan peribadi selaras dengan ajaran Islam.

Darul Atiq memerlukan dana RM350,000 bagi menebus tanah wakaf yang diduduki sekarang. Dengarkan penjelasan ringkas Ustaz Ahmad Rizam, seperti dilampirkan.

Kepada yang ingin membantu, sila salurkan terus ke akaun Ustaz Ahmad Rizam Ghazali (019-3995344 / 017-6369115).

  • Bank : Maybank
  • No Akaun : 164221033488
  • Nama : Ahmad Rizam Ghazali

Semoga sumbangan tuan/puan mendapat sebaik-baik balasan dari Yang Maha Empunya diri kita semua, InsyaAllah.....

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Ceramah Khas Maulidurrasul bersama Ust Mohd Erfino B Johari

Semua dijemput hadir dan tolong uar-uar kan.

KL Palestine Film Festival 2012 Feb 4 - 6, 2012

Viva Palestina Malaysia (VPM) and FINAS (National Film Development Corporation Malaysia) will be staging a Kuala Lumpur Palestine Film Festival (KLPFF) to be launched by YA Bhg Tun Dr. Mahathir with special appearance by Viva Palestina founder and ex-British MP, George Galloway.

  • Date: 4 - 6 February 2012
  • Venue: Golden Screen Cinemas (GSC), Pavillion, Jalan Bukit Bintang, Kuala Lumpur
  • Entrance Fee: FREE

The films screened will showcase many of the humanitarian issues besetting Palestine.

Please publicize this event and distribute the attached poster.

Thank you.
Yuzaidi Yusoff