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Monday, January 31, 2011

Sinopsis: Kuliah Dhuha Bersama Ust Datuk Hassan Din al-Hafiz

Tajuk Kuliah: Mengenali Wanita Dulu dan Wanita Kini
Tarikh: 31hb Jan 2011 (9:30pagi-12tghari)
Tempat: Bilik Muslimah, Masjid al-Mukarramah, Bdr Sri Damansara

Wanita Dulu adalah keadaan wanita sebelum Islam dan wanita kini adalah keadaan wanita selepas Islam.

Sebelum Islam Wanita tidak ada nilai:
1. Masyarakat Yunan purba menganggap wanita sebagai pemuas nafsu kaum lelaki
2. Masyarakat China purba menganggap wanita sebagai punca bencana dan malapetaka
3. Masyarakat India purba (yang digelar Manu) menganggap didalam wanita adalah sarang syaitan
4. Masyarakat Yahudi – apabila suami mati, anak lelaki boleh memiliki emak
5. Masyarakat Nasrani mengatakan didalam wanita banyak syaitan seperti yang dikatakan oleh masyarakat India purba. Oleh sebab itu paderi-paderi kristian tidak dibenarkan berkahwin di takuti syaitan-syaitan tersebut boleh di pindahkan kepada mereka.

Selepas Islam – ada empat kategori wanita yang Nabi Muhammad SAW berusaha untuk menaikkan darjat mereka.

Kategori 1: Kehormatan Kaum Ibu – wanita yang mempunyai anak melalui perkahwinan yang mengikut syariat.
Kategori ibu ada 5 darjat/ taraf
  • Ibu Kandung – taraf ibu kandung adalah tinggi dari sisi Islam
  • Ibu susuan – hampir sama taraf dengan ibu kandung
  • Ibu mertua
  • Ibu tiri
  • Ibu angkat
Ada 4 tanggungjawab bapa pada anak:

  • Mencari wanita yang baik untuk menjadi ibu kepada anak2nya
  • Memberi nama yang baik2
  • Memberi didikan agama yang baik
  • Tentukan jodoh yang baik untuk anak

Kategori 2: Kehormatan Isteri

  • Tiada paksaan untuk menjadi isteri pada lelaki samada oleh bapa sendiri atau orang lelaki yang berhajat
  • Definisi nikah bermakna lelaki tersebut menerima amanah dari Allah.
Kategori 3: Kehormatan Anak Gadis

  • Mengajar anak dengan ilmu yang berguna untuk menjadi anak yang baik
  • 2 jenis ilmu yang harus ada pada anak gadis – Ilmu memasak dan menjahit
  • Anak2 dari bayi lagi perlu dijaga dengan baik
    • Beri nama yang baik
    • Menjaga pakaian (sentiasa menutup aurat)
Kategori 4: Kehormatan Wanita

  • Hadis Nabi Muhammad SAW yang mengatakan apabila wanita melakukan 4 perkara akan membawanya kesyurga mengikut pintu-pintu mana yang disukainya:
    • Mengerjakan sembahyang fardhu lima waktu secukupnya, contohnya tidak melewatkan sembahyang selepas kering haid
    • Berpuasa genap dibulan Ramadhan yakni tidak melewatkan puasa selepas keringnya haid
    • Wanita yang bersuami yang taat atas perintah suaminya selagi tidak menyalahi tuntutan agama Islam
    • Menjaga kehormatan dirinya – menutup aurat, tidak bersolek dan berwangian berlebihan diluar rumah
Apakah maknanya taat pada suami:

  • Buat apa yang disuruh selagi suruhan tidak melanggar batas agama
  • Jangan buat apa yang suami tidak suka
  • Tunai apa yang diminta, contohnya jika suami minta hendak makan gulai tapi jika tiada bahan Cuma tinggal tulang lembu daging korban, jangan pula dimasak sup, jika perlu beli dikedai mamak gulai yang diminta.
Kemusykilan dari para hadirin

1.    Mengambil duit suami untuk memberi sedekah:
a.    Definisi harta – hak isteri milik isteri 100% (Gaji, pusaka dll), hak suami milik suami 100%, hak bersama (belanja rumah).  Suami atau isteri tidak boleh mengambil harta pasangan untuk memberi sedekah atau berbelanja tanpa persetujuan.

2.    Soalan mengenai tentukan jumlah anak dengan persetujuan pasangan
a.    Menentukan jumlah anak adalah haram
b.    Merancang dan membincang untuk mendapat anak adalah harus (contoh – kesihatan dan kewangan)

3.    Mengambil secara senyap duit suami untuk perbelanjaan rumah kerana tidak mencukupi
a.    Tanggungjawab material suami ada dalam surah An-Nisa ayat 34.  
b.    Definisi mencuri – mengambil sesuatu dari tempat tertentu yang masih dimiliki oleh seseorang sedangkan tuannya tidak tahu dan tidak redha.
“Those who were guided to gentle speech, indeed they were guided onto the path of the Glorious One” -  Qur'an [Al Hajj: 22:24]
Nota diambil oleh sdr Hamdan Supar. Jaringan mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih kerana sudi berkongsi.

Let's Recycle

Start Recycling: Recycling is a great Start to Save the Earth 

Recycling is converting our used items or materials into something useful. In order to prevent wastage, reduce the use of fresh raw materials, reduce energy usage, reduce air, water and soil pollution. Recycling is the major components of modern waste management and is the third component of the waste hierarchy “Reduce, Reuse and Recycle” or 3R.

Recycling is now available in many parts of the cities and towns. Some recycling companies collect the recyclable materials free of charge from house and office. Communities can also resell their unwanted items and get some money out of it. Some societies do recycling to help charity homes by locating their recycling bins/boxes in different parts of the cities and town, and collecting them according to a regular schedule.

Sometimes we overlook and forget about the environmental safety issues like throwing away one side of a paper when the other side of it can be reused. Instead of throwing recyclable materials into the recycling bins we choose to throw them into regular rubbish bins; we are lazy to wash our utensils so we use plastic utensils which can be easily disposed of after having a delicious meal. For cool and comfort, some of us put on the air-conditioners day and night even if we are going out, not bothering about the energy wastage and harmful effect it has on the environment.

The local council bin that is overflowing and stinks around the communities emits toxic gases which pollutes the air we breathe. Most of the things what goes into those bins can be recycled. And it will stop useful resources from going to landfills. It just takes a few steps to do recycling and make a huge impact (difference) on the earth we live in. A lot of people were ignorant about recycling their used items before, but now people can appreciate the good they can bring by adopting recycling and they want to do their part to save the earth.

Saving the earth is not only a City Council, NGO’s or other organizations’ role, all of us have a part to play. With the number of natural disasters growing high every day, it is almost as if the earth is crying out loud for our help. Everyone is involved in making our environment a better, safer and happier place. So, let's start recycling!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Press Statement by YB R. Sivarasa

Press Statement  by YB R Sivarasa, Member of Parliament – Subang, Member of Political Bureau, Parti Keadilan Rakyat

Re: Announcement by MBPJ on dismantling of permanent barriers in guarded communities

I refer to the Malay Mail report : PJ residents given until March 31 to dismantle permanent barriers written by nurul huda jamaluddin dated Friday, January 21st, 2011.

This report states that the Traffic Committee of Majlis Bandaraya Petaling Jaya has announced a 31 March deadline for implementation of new guidelines on barricades which may result in removal of some of the existing barricades put up by residents on some PJ roads.

I understand that what was not reported in the Malay Mail that the implementation of the decision is subject to getting feedback from ADUNS, MPs  and  RAs in the area of PJ. This decision will also need to be endorsed by the full monthly Council meeting of MBPJ before implementation.

I call upon MBPJ to put a hold on any implementation of this “new Guidelines” and maintain the status quo.  The deadline of 31 March 2011 should also be removed immediately as it is causing much concern amongst affected PJ residents.

Whilst some of the barricades do breach existing laws such as the Street Drainage and Buildings Act,  MBPJ decision makers including the Mayor and councilors must appreciate the root cause of the problem – i.e. the continuing failure of the Federal Government to provide security to the people in their homes and streets through a  functioning police force.

Any response to the current situation MUST therefore take into account the security concerns of residents.
It would be more productive for MBPJ to press the Federal  Government  to  relook at the rejection by the previous IGP of the proposal by MBPJ to employ 100 auxiliary policemen to improve security in PJ.  MBPJ had already allocated 4.5 million ringgit to fund this.

I also call upon the new IGP to approve the request by MBPJ to appoint the new force of auxiliary policemen as soon as possible. The Minister of Home Affairs should also give this his urgent attention.  The low number of police personnel in PJ is a key factor in the crime situation and must be addressed immediately.

Asking residents to dismantle barricades would be reasonable  after measures to deal with  the security issue are in place. In the meantime, if certain roads have been blocked unreasonably, then dialogues with the concerned residents should be initiated to resolve such disputes.

The recent repeated announcements by the Federal Government that the crime rate has reduced  has not created confidence with residents that is the actual reality on the ground. Crime remains a serious concern.
 MBPJ should immediately facilitate dialogues with the relevant RAs whose areas are considered not to be in compliance with the guidelines.  RAs should be advised on the guidelines to follow with their existing boomgates. Each side should take one step back in order to move forward.

The concerns of the residents must also be given due consideration and not simply compliance with existing law.  Perhaps a blanket ban on permanent structures is too simplistic an approach. I would agree that barricades should not obstruct traffic especially for emergency  services vehicles. Similarly, oil drums used in barricades and any other obstructions should not be a health hazard as breeding spots for Aedes mosquitoes.
If compliance with existing law is the concern of MBPJ, a discussion should be initiated as to what amendments are necessary to existing law to deal with the current reality on the ground.

With these compromises, the RAs of PJ and MBPJ can all work together positively to help make Petaling Jaya a safer and livable city.

YB R Sivarasa
Ahli Parlimen Subang.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Voter Registration

Please be informed that the Election Commission (SPR) will conduct a new voters registration drive at time and place shown below:

Tesco Menjalara Kepong, Ground Floor:
  • 22 and 23 January, Saturday and Sunday. From 10am to 9pm.
  • 29 and 30 January, Saturday and Sunday. From 10am to 9pm.
Please go and register if you have not done so yet. Remember to exercise your rights as a citizen. Every vote counts.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Sumbangan Musibah

Pada hari Rabu 19hb Januari 2011 jam 9malam bersempena dengan mesyuarat Jaringan satu majlis penyampaian cek kepada ahli Jaringan yang ditimpa musibah telah diadakan. Gambar di bawah menunjukan Tuan Haji Malik Hassan dan anak perempuan kepada Allahyarham Rostin menerima cek sumbangan daripada Yang DiPertua JARINGAN.

Kuliah Bersama Datuk Hassan Din Al-Hafiz

Biro Muslimah JARINGAN bersama Masjid Al-Mukarramah akan menganjurkan satu siri kuliah bersama Datuk Hassan Din al-Hafiz pada hari Isnin 31hb Januari 2011 jam 9:30pagi bertempat di Bilik Muslimah Masjid Al-Mukarramah, Kuala Lumpur.

Semua ahli Jaringan dan anak qariah masjid, dan muslimin & muslimah sekalian di jemput hadir. Kami juga memohon jasa baik Tuan/Puan untuk me war-warkan program ini.

Sekian. Terima Kasih.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Vacancy: RF Engineer

Academic Qualification: At least a Bachelors Degree in Electrical Engineering or Telecommunications Engineering with major in RF from a reputable university
Experience: 5 years min
Client: Oil & Gas Company
Salary: Commensurate with experience.
Requirement: Urgent
Location: Local and International Assignments

Anyone interested please send in your resume to for further evaluation. Only shortlisted candidates will be notified.

Friday, January 14, 2011

12 steps toward reinventing yourself in 2011

Reinventing yourself at midlife is no simple undertaking, especially if it involves switching careers. It takes equal parts planning, stamina and guts.
But everybody’s got to start somewhere. Here are a dozen first steps, based on advice from SecondAct interviews with authors and other experts on careers and midlife transitions.
1. Take it one step at a time. If a career overhaul seems too overwhelming to take in all at once, break it down into multiple steps to make it easier to accomplish. “Have your second act build on your first,” said Davia Temin, a women’s leadership expert and head of a New York City marketing consulting firm.
2. Test the waters. A midlife switch is a big deal, and you’ll want to try it on for size first. Do a reality check by taking a class, volunteering or signing up for an internship in a field you’re exploring, said Bruce Frankel, author of “What Should I Do With The Rest Of My Life? True Stories of Finding Success, Passion, and New Meaning in the Second Half of Life“. Remember, internships aren’t just for college students anymore.
3. Find a mentor. What better guide to a new career than a mentor, someone who’s already been there, done that? But there are right ways and wrong ways to approach a would-be mentor. The purpose of the relationship may be for the experienced party to share accumulated wisdom, but it’s not a one-way street. Be prepared to give as much as you get. If you’ve identified a possible candidate, don’t ask “Will you be my mentor?” Anything so direct is off-putting, Temin said. Invite a would-be mentor for coffee and see how it goes. Be genuine. If a bond forms, you can gradually turn more of the conversation to your career goals.
4. Start by moonlighting. Before you quit your day job, get a little something going on the side. If you plan to moonlight, schedule at least two hours a day to work on your new business, try to adjust your full-time job schedule to accommodate a sideline venture, and make sure that your family is onboard, advised Melinda F. Emerson, entrepreneur, author and SecondAct’s Careers Columnist.
5. Get your financial affairs in order. If you’re contemplating a switch that’ll take time, money or both, make sure you have sufficient financial resources to cover the mortgage, insurance, the kids’ tuition and other basics while you’re in transition. Emerson suggested looking for ways to cut monthly expenses and saving 20 to 30 percent of each paycheck.
6. Look forward, not back. If you’re trying to sell yourself to a prospective employer in a new field, don’t dwell on past positions — people don’t care. “It doesn’t make you more qualified; it makes you ask for a higher salary,” said Penelope Trunk, a careers expert, author and blogger at Brazen Careerist. Instead, highlight skills and accomplishments you gained from previous jobs, and be prepared to explain how they’d make you an asset in a new situation.
7. Think small. Your quest for success could mean downsizing, as in working for yourself. That’s been the career path of choice for many people in their 40s and 50s who lost corporate jobs in the recession. “In most cases it would be easier to start a small enterprise working from home to create some revenue stream than to find a full-time paying job,” said Art Koff, founder of RetiredBrains, an online community and job board.
8. Be true to yourself. Don’t force yourself to be something you’re not. Entrepreneurship is great, but it’s not for everyone. It may take some soul searching or consulting with a career counselor to figure out what you’re best suited for. “Don’t think you already know who you are,” said Natalie Caine, a Southern California counselor who helps parents with empty-nest syndrome and other midlife transitions. “Walk, write, chat with good friends who support you, and ask ‘Who am I now? Who am I willing to become? What spooks me, and what is easy for me?’ Get support. Ask for help. Weep and stand tall again. Passion wins over and over even when it goes dormant,” Caine said.
9. Don’t wait for a new job to start making a difference. You don’t need to switch careers, companies or even positions to be a game-changer, Trunk said. Don’t wait for permission; simply take the initiative by recognizing a problem situation and fixing it on the job or in your personal life.
10. Don’t overthink things. Sometimes the hardest part of making a change is overcoming your own fears. When in doubt, make that call or send the resume. In other words, “Just do it,” said Wally Pacholka, who traded in a career as an accountant to be a night sky photographer.
11. Fake it ’til you make it. As you delve deeper into a change, continue to be curious and playful. Another tip from Frankel: Stay confident about your abilities, even if you have to act the part until you really feel that way.
12. Check your progress. Keep regular dates with a journal — at least once a month — to take stock of what you’ve done to advance your dreams, Frankel said. “A self-reporting card helps us see that we are making progress even when it may feel we are at a standstill, and it helps us to refocus on our goals,” he said.
– SecondAct contributor Michelle V. Rafter covers business and workplace issues for a variety of national publications. She is based in Portland, Oregon. The views expressed are her own –

VPM: Flashmob News on NTV7

To mark the day when Gaza was brutally attacked 2 years ago, VPM arranged a flashmob to show the public what the Palestinians go through in their daily lives. The flashmob was held at KL Sentral on the 26th December 2010.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Malaysia Technology Expo 2011

Announcing Launchlist Pro

MTE 2011 is back for the tenth year running. To celebrate a decade’s worth of excellence, we have scoured the globe for the best and brightest amongst creative geniuses. This year’s exhibition will display more than 500 awe-inspiring inventions from Poland, Korea, UAE, Iran, Croatia and so much more. Be part of the experience as the very best ideas and innovations from all around the world are unveiled for the very first time!

Admittance is FREE for public and trade visitors.
Opened to trade visitors and students aged 12 and above


Smart Casual (No shorts and slippers allowed)

Jom Tuisyen di Masjid!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

MIIE 2011

- IBS Integration for Green Technology -
5 – 7 April 2011
CIDB Convention Centre
Jalan Chan Sow Lin
Kuala Lumpur

For more details please go to:

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Notis Mesyuarat JARINGAN

  • Tarikh: Sabtu 15hb Januari 2011
  • Masa: 9:30pagi
  • Tempat: Pusat Sumber Ilmu, MAM
Semua AJK Jaringan di jemput hadir. Ketua-ketua Biro harap dapat membentangkan kertas kerja masing-masing. Harap maklum.

Sekian. Terima Kasih.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Dr Asri: Ustaz jangan lupa 'kerakusan' atasan

Malaysiakini Jan 2, 11 1:54pm

Bekas mufti Perlis Prof Madya Dr Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin mengingatkan golongan agama supaya tidak "menyempitkan Islam dalam batasan yang terhad", dengan melupakan 'kerakusan' sesetengah golongan atasan, seperti dalam isu kenaikan harga barang.

"Jangan hanya ceramah agama di media elektronik dan cetak sekadar menekan orang bawahan semata, tetapi melupai 'kerakusan' sesetengah golongan atasan. 

"Ceramah (disampai) dalam isu yang remeh temeh tetapi membiarkan rakyat hidup dalam (suasana) keadilan sosial yang tidak seimbang. 

"Para penceramah jangan sekadar 'guna agama untuk cari makan', tetapi hendaklah agama berfungsi dalam menegakkan hak dan keadilan," katanya.

Dalam satu kenyataan hari ini, ulama muda yang terkenal dengan kelantangannya itu turut mengingatkan golongan peniaga supaya beretika dalam perniagaan. 

"Kerakusan peniagaan akan merosakkan merosakkan negara dalam jangka masa panjang dan akhirnya tiada pihak yang dapat hidup senang. Bagi yang muslim, hendaklah mereka bertakwa kepada Allah dalam urusan perniagaan mereka," katanya sambil menyeru media massa turut aktif menentang kenaikan harga barang.

Mengulas peranan rakyat pula, Dr Mohd Asri berkata, jika golongan itu tidak memprotes dari awal, tahun baru ini bakal menyaksikan kenaikan harga barang yang membimbangkan. 

"Kesannya akan dirasai oleh rakyat bawahan terutama mereka yang berpendapatan rendah. Para peniaga di pelbagai peringkat akan mengambil kesempatan dalam hal ini."

Beliau juga menekannya beberapa perkara dalam kenyataannya itu, antaranya:

  • Jika kerajaan tidak mengambil langkah yang berkesan dalam mengawal kenaikan harga barang, bererti slogan 1Malaysia: "Rakyat didahulukan" bermaksud rakyat didahulukan menanggung beban hidup, sedangkan pembesar negara dan istana terus kemewahan.
  • Rakyat juga mesti menjadi pengundi yang bijak dan bersedia menghukum pihak yang membiarkan kenaikan harga barang dan 'mengumpulkan' kekayaan negeri atau negara dalam kalangan mereka sahaja.
  • Rakyat mesti menjadi pembeli yang bijak memilih kedai atau pasaraya.