Happy New Year!
This Weekend
Dec-31 Sat 15:00 Breakfast at Tiffany's Bangsar Free
Dec-31 Sat 18:00 Mystical Eve 2012 Strand Free
Dec-31 Sat 19:00 2012 Countdown Party Sunway MYR 83
Dec-31 Sat 20:00 2012 Street Party Curve Free
Dec-31 Sat 20:00 SohoKL Countdown Solaris Free
Jan-01 Sun New Year's Day 2012 Malaysia
Week 1
Jan-05 Thu 09:00 CIMB Malaysia Corporate Day Mandarin Invitation
Jan-07 Sat 09:00 Powering Into 2012 Novotel MYR 698
Jan-07 Sat 09:00 Google Adsense Meet PJ MYR 150
Jan-07 Sat 09:30 Cyber Crime Forensics Binary Free
Jan-07 Sat 11:00 Star Education Fair 2012KLCC Free
Jan-08 Sun 07:00 RunFest Cyberjaya CybrjayaMYR 60
Week 2
Jan-10 Tue 08:00 SME Malaysia Tax Seminar Subang Free
Jan-10 Tue 08:30 Cloud Computing Summit 2012 Equatorial Free
Jan-13 Fri 09:00 Powerful Entrepreneur Mindset KLCC MYR 250
Jan-14 Sat 11:00 MAPCU Higher Education Fair MidValley Free
Week 3+
Jan-17 Tue 09:00 Government Cyber Security Prince USD 1999
Jan-18 Wed 09:30 Ctrl+Alt+Compete KLCC Free
Jan-23 Mon Chinese New Year Malaysia
Feb-01 Wed Federal Territory Day Federal
Feb-05 Sun Maulidur Rasul Malaysia
Pertubuhan Jaringan Komuniti Islam Kuala Lumpur atau JARINGAN ialah sebuah "NGO" yang ditubuhkan untuk mengeratkan lagi siratulrahim diantara penduduk Islam di Bandar Sri Damansara (BSD) khususnya dan penduduk dipersekitaran kawasan BSD am nya.
Announcement | Pengumuman
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Saturday, December 31, 2011
Sumbangan Ikhlas untuk Darul Hafidzin
Alhamdulillah, pembangunan Maahad Tahfiz Darul Hafidzin (MTDH) hampir sempurna.... hampir 90% siap. InsyaAllah tak ada aral, awal tahun depan dah boleh bawa masuk anak-anak hafiz & hafizah.
Bagaimanapun MTDH masih perlukan dana untuk sempurnakan pembangunan. Anggaran kos keseluruhan ialah RM710,000. Setakat ini MTDH sudah melangsaikan bayaran sebanyak RM630,000 kepada tuan kontraktor. Jutaan terima kasih kepada semua penyumbang & pewakaf, hanya Allah shj yang akan membalas jasa baik tuan/puan.
MTDH masih memerlukan RM80,000 untuk menyempurnakan pembangunan. Tuan/puan dipelawa untuk menghulurkan infaq / wakaf / zakat / sumbangan kepada MTDH melalui:-
Akaun Bank Islam atas nama: Pusat Tahfiz Al-Quran Darul Hafidzin
No akaun: 1209 2010 03 2010
Akaun Bank Muamalat atas nama: Maahad Tahfiz Darul Hafidzin
No akaun: 1207 0005 8377 14
Pertanyaan lanjut, sila hubungi Ustaz Ashaari Mohd Saleh Al-Hafiz (019-6952099) / Yusoff Talib (013-3684294).
Monday, December 26, 2011
Three Tips for Using Public Wi-Fi Safely
In an era of laptops, smartphones and mushrooming Wi-Fi networks, we can get online nearly anywhere. But we often connect without considering the potential perils.
Sensitive information you transmit over Wi-Fi can be literally "sniffed" from the airwaves by a nearby snoop using readily available software and equipment. What's more, hackers could trick you into connecting to their computer by making it appear to be a legitimate Wi-Fi hotspot.
Despite these risks, it’s relatively easy and inexpensive to surf safely. Here are three tips for securely using Wi-Fi networks when you're on-the-go, doing work in hotels, airports, cafés and other public places.
1. Avoid automatically connecting to Wi-Fi hotspots.
It can be tempting to quickly jump online using one of the 1.4 million public Wi-Fi networks now active in the world. But you could unwittingly connect to a rogue hotspot set up by a crook to gather sensitive information transmitted by unsuspecting users like you.
Industry group Wi-Fi Alliance recommends that Web users carefully select which, if any, public network they access rather than allow their device to connect automatically. It also recommends choosing only hotspots that use security technologies known as Wi-Fi Protected Access version two, or WPA2, which are stronger than the older WPA and Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) technologies. A network's security system is displayed in the box where you enter a password to connect.
2. Make sure sensitive websites you use encrypt data you send and receive.
Sending and receiving information on unsecured public wireless networks can be like shouting in a crowded room, says Maxim Weinstein, executive director of StopBadware, a Cambridge, Mass., nonprofit group that fights malicious websites. "Unless you're talking in code, it's no secret to anyone who's listening."
Fortunately, most websites that handle sensitive information use encryption technology known as Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) to turn readable text into a mash of digital gibberish. You know SSL is in place if you see "https" in the address bar. It is almost always at work when you're making a purchase or banking online.
Many communication services, such as Google's Gmail, Microsoft's Hotmail and Facebook, also use SSL to keep your private communications safe from eavesdroppers. Some services, such as Gmail, use HTTPS by default at all times, but Facebook and others require you to turn the technology on.
To activate it on Facebook, click on the down arrow in the upper right corner and select Account Settings. In the left column, click Security and enable Secure Browsing.
3. Install and use VPN software on your device to encrypt your Internet activity.
"Virtual private network" software is a must-have for road warriors who regularly transmit sensitive data over public Wi-Fi networks. VPN software creates an encrypted tunnel through which your data flows as it traverses the Internet. Employees at many large companies already use VPNs on business trips to protect valuable corporate information, and small companies would be wise to follow suit.
If you don't have an information-technology department that can set up a VPN for you, consider using one of the personal VPNs now on the market. Options include PrivateWiFi from startup Private Communication Corp. (Windows and Mac, $9.95 a month or $84.95 a year; three-day free trial); Anonymizer Universal (Windows, Mac, iPhone and iPad, $79.99 a year; 14-day free trial); and VPN4ALL (Windows and Mac $9.95-$19.95 a month, depending on amount of data use; iPhone, iPad, Android, Windows Mobile and tablets, $5.95 a month).
OpenVPN Technologies, keeper of the open-source technology behind some of these software products, sells a hosted VPN service specifically to small businesses called PrivateTunnel (Windows and Mac, price based on amount of data transferred).
Another thing to consider: putting up a firewall to block strangers seeking access to your computer. Firewalls are typically provided by modern operating systems and are on by default. To make sure yours is active on a Windows PC, review Microsoft's directions based on your operating system version. On Macs, open System Preferences and click Security & Privacy and then Firewall.
You also can avoid Wi-Fi networks altogether and go online using a cellular connection from a wireless carrier, which use encryption when transferring data, albeit at a significant cost. Plan to pay for a large or unlimited data plan for a mobile device. For your laptop, you'll need a special device that plugs into the side and a monthly service plan. Verizon and AT&T can charge $50 to $60 a month for 5 GB. Here, in Malaysia service providers like Celcom, Maxis, and DiGi already offer Wireless Broadband packages that you can choose from. Various data plans are available based on your budget.
Sensitive information you transmit over Wi-Fi can be literally "sniffed" from the airwaves by a nearby snoop using readily available software and equipment. What's more, hackers could trick you into connecting to their computer by making it appear to be a legitimate Wi-Fi hotspot.
Despite these risks, it’s relatively easy and inexpensive to surf safely. Here are three tips for securely using Wi-Fi networks when you're on-the-go, doing work in hotels, airports, cafés and other public places.
1. Avoid automatically connecting to Wi-Fi hotspots.
It can be tempting to quickly jump online using one of the 1.4 million public Wi-Fi networks now active in the world. But you could unwittingly connect to a rogue hotspot set up by a crook to gather sensitive information transmitted by unsuspecting users like you.
Industry group Wi-Fi Alliance recommends that Web users carefully select which, if any, public network they access rather than allow their device to connect automatically. It also recommends choosing only hotspots that use security technologies known as Wi-Fi Protected Access version two, or WPA2, which are stronger than the older WPA and Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) technologies. A network's security system is displayed in the box where you enter a password to connect.
2. Make sure sensitive websites you use encrypt data you send and receive.
Sending and receiving information on unsecured public wireless networks can be like shouting in a crowded room, says Maxim Weinstein, executive director of StopBadware, a Cambridge, Mass., nonprofit group that fights malicious websites. "Unless you're talking in code, it's no secret to anyone who's listening."
Fortunately, most websites that handle sensitive information use encryption technology known as Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) to turn readable text into a mash of digital gibberish. You know SSL is in place if you see "https" in the address bar. It is almost always at work when you're making a purchase or banking online.
Many communication services, such as Google's Gmail, Microsoft's Hotmail and Facebook, also use SSL to keep your private communications safe from eavesdroppers. Some services, such as Gmail, use HTTPS by default at all times, but Facebook and others require you to turn the technology on.
To activate it on Facebook, click on the down arrow in the upper right corner and select Account Settings. In the left column, click Security and enable Secure Browsing.
3. Install and use VPN software on your device to encrypt your Internet activity.
"Virtual private network" software is a must-have for road warriors who regularly transmit sensitive data over public Wi-Fi networks. VPN software creates an encrypted tunnel through which your data flows as it traverses the Internet. Employees at many large companies already use VPNs on business trips to protect valuable corporate information, and small companies would be wise to follow suit.
If you don't have an information-technology department that can set up a VPN for you, consider using one of the personal VPNs now on the market. Options include PrivateWiFi from startup Private Communication Corp. (Windows and Mac, $9.95 a month or $84.95 a year; three-day free trial); Anonymizer Universal (Windows, Mac, iPhone and iPad, $79.99 a year; 14-day free trial); and VPN4ALL (Windows and Mac $9.95-$19.95 a month, depending on amount of data use; iPhone, iPad, Android, Windows Mobile and tablets, $5.95 a month).
OpenVPN Technologies, keeper of the open-source technology behind some of these software products, sells a hosted VPN service specifically to small businesses called PrivateTunnel (Windows and Mac, price based on amount of data transferred).
Another thing to consider: putting up a firewall to block strangers seeking access to your computer. Firewalls are typically provided by modern operating systems and are on by default. To make sure yours is active on a Windows PC, review Microsoft's directions based on your operating system version. On Macs, open System Preferences and click Security & Privacy and then Firewall.
You also can avoid Wi-Fi networks altogether and go online using a cellular connection from a wireless carrier, which use encryption when transferring data, albeit at a significant cost. Plan to pay for a large or unlimited data plan for a mobile device. For your laptop, you'll need a special device that plugs into the side and a monthly service plan. Verizon and AT&T can charge $50 to $60 a month for 5 GB. Here, in Malaysia service providers like Celcom, Maxis, and DiGi already offer Wireless Broadband packages that you can choose from. Various data plans are available based on your budget.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Missing Girl
Dear all,
Shirra Alissa George, 19 is a student at KLIMU, was reported missing on between 8.50pm to.9.05pm on Monday, 14th November 2011 along Jalan Bukit Indah 3/14, Bukit Indah, Ampang after disembarking from Rapid KL bus from KL city on her way home to Tiara Intan Condominium where she stays with her parents, Sarawakian.
Based a CCTV recording from nearby house, the incident occurred at about 9.00pm. She was abducted by at least three guys, believed to be in the twenties driving a black Proton Persona which was seen driven along the street from 8.50pm. Some of her personal belongings that was found at the scene was her handphone, a torned backpack with books scattered all over the ground and an empty purse.
What was so disheartening was that she made 2 attempts to call her parents but only after her third attempt her mother answered her her call and she was heard screaming asking for help and telling her mother..."ada orang kejar saya, ada orang kejar saya", the phone was quite. her dad and few residents rushed to the scene which was about 100 meters from the condo entrance but failed to locate her whereabouts.
I sincerely hope that you may kindly assist us, residents of Tiara Intan Condominium, to spread this news to friends, colleagues and relatives. Let's pray that the abductors would release her unharmed real soon.
Should anyone has any leads please contact Criminal Investigation Dept., Ampang Jaya District Police Headquarters at 03-42897222 or nearby police station.
Thank you very much for your kind attention.
Mohamad Yusri
Joint Management Body,
Tiara Intan Condominium
Bukit Indah, Ampang, Selangor
Mobile: 019-3774322
Shirra Alissa George, 19 is a student at KLIMU, was reported missing on between 8.50pm to.9.05pm on Monday, 14th November 2011 along Jalan Bukit Indah 3/14, Bukit Indah, Ampang after disembarking from Rapid KL bus from KL city on her way home to Tiara Intan Condominium where she stays with her parents, Sarawakian.
Based a CCTV recording from nearby house, the incident occurred at about 9.00pm. She was abducted by at least three guys, believed to be in the twenties driving a black Proton Persona which was seen driven along the street from 8.50pm. Some of her personal belongings that was found at the scene was her handphone, a torned backpack with books scattered all over the ground and an empty purse.
What was so disheartening was that she made 2 attempts to call her parents but only after her third attempt her mother answered her her call and she was heard screaming asking for help and telling her mother..."ada orang kejar saya, ada orang kejar saya", the phone was quite. her dad and few residents rushed to the scene which was about 100 meters from the condo entrance but failed to locate her whereabouts.
I sincerely hope that you may kindly assist us, residents of Tiara Intan Condominium, to spread this news to friends, colleagues and relatives. Let's pray that the abductors would release her unharmed real soon.
Should anyone has any leads please contact Criminal Investigation Dept., Ampang Jaya District Police Headquarters at 03-42897222 or nearby police station.
Thank you very much for your kind attention.
Mohamad Yusri
Joint Management Body,
Tiara Intan Condominium
Bukit Indah, Ampang, Selangor
Mobile: 019-3774322
Announcement from TA Global
Dear Residents,
I would like to inform you that TA Global is currently in the process of widening the road at Persiaran Perdana to a 1000ft wide road + walkway. This will make Persiaran Perdana a 3 lane road from the existing 2 lane road. The work also includes laying new drainage and providing a walkway for pedestrians on both sides.
This is in line with the development of the Damansara Avenue area by TA Global.
Barring and unforeseen problems we should have this upgrading works completed by June 2012
Ernest Yeap
Director of Business Development
TA Global Berhad
I would like to inform you that TA Global is currently in the process of widening the road at Persiaran Perdana to a 1000ft wide road + walkway. This will make Persiaran Perdana a 3 lane road from the existing 2 lane road. The work also includes laying new drainage and providing a walkway for pedestrians on both sides.
This is in line with the development of the Damansara Avenue area by TA Global.
Barring and unforeseen problems we should have this upgrading works completed by June 2012
Ernest Yeap
Director of Business Development
TA Global Berhad
Public Talk
- Title : The End of The World and The Return of Christ
- Speaker : Dr. Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips (Jamaican Canadian Islamic Scholar who was born in a Christian family but converted to Islam in the early seventies from Communism)
- Date : 28th December 2011 (Wednesday)
- Time : 9.00 pm
- Venue : DKG 31, School of Mathematics, USM Penang
- All are welcome...
Official Launch of PDRM and ATM Patrolling Together
Our CPO of Selangor has invited all residents to attend the"Official Launch of PDRM (Polis DiRaja Malaysia) and ATM (Angkatan Tentera Malaysia) Patrolling Together" on 01 December 2011, 9.30 a.m., Jalan 1A/3 Bandar Baru Sg. Buloh, Selangor. Dresscode: Formal. The Launch will be officiated by YDH Dato' Sri Khalid, DIGP.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Friday, November 4, 2011
Friday, October 21, 2011
Notis Mesyuarat Agung Pertama JARINGAN 2011
Untuk makluman ahli mesyuarat agung JARINGAN yang pertama akan diadakan seperti berikut:
- Tarikh: 11hb Disember 2011
- Masa: 9:30 pagi
- Tempat: Bilik Muslimah, Masjid Al-Mukarramah, Bandar Sri Damansara, Kuala Lumpur
Mengikut Fasal 8(4) Peraturan Jaringan Tuan/Puan boleh mengemukakan usul atau cadangan pindaan undang-undang Jaringan untuk dibincangkan didalam mesyuarat agung kelak. Oleh itu Tuan/Puan diberi masa 14 hari dari tarikh 22.10.2011 untuk mengemukakan usul/pindaan peraturan Jaringan.
Sekian dimaklumkan. Terima Kasih.
-Hj. Mois B Alias-
Setiausaha Jaringan
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Notis Mesyuarat JARINGAN ke-4 2011
Kepada semua AJK Jaringan.
Mesyuarat Jaringan ke-4 akan diadakan seperti berikut:
Mesyuarat Jaringan ke-4 akan diadakan seperti berikut:
- Tarikh: 16hb Oktober 2011 (hari Ahad)
- Masa: 9:30 pagi
- Tempat: Bilik Sumber Ilmu, Masjid Al-Mukarramah, Kuala Lumpur
Agenda mesyuarat adalah seperti berikut:
- Ucapan Pengerusi
- Lapuran Setiausaha
- Lapuran Bendahari
- Pengesahan minit mesyuarat bertarikh 19/01/2011
- Lapuran Biro-Biro
- Persiapan mesyuarat Agong Jaringan
- Hal-hal Lain.
Harap maklum. Sekian. Terima Kasih.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Al-Fatihah..Ust Hashim Abdullah Sani
Ust Hashim Abdullah Sani telah kembali ke Rahmatullah pada hari Ahad 25hb September 2011. Jenazah beliau telah selamat di kebumikan di tanah perkuburan Islam Bt 16 Kuang. Semoga Allah merahmati dan menempatkan beliau bersama orang-orang yang beriman. Kami juga berdoa semoga Allah memberi kekuatan fizikal, mental, dan rohani kepada ahli keluarga beliau. Amin.
Ust Hashim Abdullah Sani telah kembali ke Rahmatullah pada hari Ahad 25hb September 2011. Jenazah beliau telah selamat di kebumikan di tanah perkuburan Islam Bt 16 Kuang. Semoga Allah merahmati dan menempatkan beliau bersama orang-orang yang beriman. Kami juga berdoa semoga Allah memberi kekuatan fizikal, mental, dan rohani kepada ahli keluarga beliau. Amin.
INSKEN: Latihan Asas Perniagaan
Institut Keusahawanan Negara (INSKEN), MITI akan menganjurkan satu sesi kursus 5 hari 4 malam bertajuk “Latihan Asas Perniagaan (LAP)” di Kuala Lumpur pada Oktober 03-07 2011. Yuran untuk kursus ini ialah RM100.00 termasuk makan & minum (dan penginapan jika diperlukan). Sesiapa yang berminat sila hubungi Cik Edayu di 03.6274.9276 atau 019.222.9663 atau hantar emel ke info@zohlgroup.com dengan menyertakan maklumat peribadi seperti berikut:
Tempat terhad. Sila daftar dengan kadar segera. Sekian. Terima kasih.
- Nama
- No. IC
- Alamat
- No. Tel. Rumah dan Handphone
- No. Fax (jika ada)
Tempat terhad. Sila daftar dengan kadar segera. Sekian. Terima kasih.
Monday, September 19, 2011
MONDAY, 12 SEPTEMBER 2011 10:58 |
Baru-baru ini Pusat Khidmat Aduan Pengguna Nasional (NCCC) telah menerima satu lagi aduan tentang layanan kurang baik yang diberikan kepada pengguna selepas membeli perkakasan dapur dan sistem audio di sebuah kedai elektrik di Puchong. Menurut pengguna tersebut, semasa bayaran dibuat, tidak ada stok untuk barang tersebut di kedai, tetapi penjual berjanji kepadanya bahawa stok akan sampai dalam masa empat hari lagi. Apabila tiba hari tersebut, pengguna mendapati tiada panggilan pemberitahuan oleh syarikat jualan itu. Malah pengguna tersebut sendiri membuat panggilan beberapa kali untuk menanyakan status barangan pembeliannya. Setiap kali panggilan dibuat, penjual memaklumkan barang belum sampai dan memberikan tarikh yang baru. Keadaan ini berlarutan sehingga pengguna hilang kepercayaan terhadap syarikat tersebut. Syarikat jualan barangan dan perkhidmatan seharusnya menitikberatkan kepentingan pengguna dalam proses penjualan barangan dan perkhidmatan mereka. Jikalau terdapat kelewatan dalam penyampaian barang, pihak penjualan seharusnya mengambil inisiatif untuk memberitahu pengguna tentang kelewatan itu. Janganlah pula tunggu sehingga pengguna pula perlu membuat panggilan susulan secara berulang kali dan diberikan janji-janji yang palsu. Keadaan ini merupakan salah satu contoh khidmat pelanggan yang kurang memuaskan. Thaneshkumar Pusat Khidmat Aduan Pengguna Nasional (NCCC) |
Safety Issue - Use of Laptop Computer
This is an article we received from a concerned netizen which was sent on Tuesday, 13 September 2011, 22:19
NB Important to tell your sons and daughters about this:... A well known family in Mequon lost their 25 year old son (Arun Gopal Ratnam) in a fire at home June 4th. This is what happened.
He graduated with MBA from University of Wisconsin-Madison two weeks earlier and came home. Had a lunch with his dad at home and decided to go back to clean up his room at school. Father told him to wait and see his mother before he goes back for a few days. He decided to take a nap while waiting for his mom to come home from work. Neighbors called 911 when they saw black smoke coming out of the house. Their 25 year old son Arun died in the three year old house. It took several days of investigation to find out the cause of the fire. It was determined that the fire was caused by lap top in the bed.When the lap top is on the bed cooling fan does not get air to cool the computer and that is what caused the fire. Uneven surface of the bedsheet has blocked the air intake vent below the cpu fan. When the laptop is placed on a flat surface i.e. on desk/table, there is a gap between the desk surface and the base of the casing to allow air to flow/suck in through the air intake vent by the cpu fan to cool the cpu.
This paragraph is added in by another sender for better understanding of the senerio. He did not even wake up to get out of the bed he died of carbon monoxide (CO). The reason I'm writing this to all of you is that I have seen all of us using our lap top in bed. Let us all decide and make it a practice not to do that. Risk is real. Let us make it a rule not to use lap top in bed or put computer on bed with blankets and pillows around. Share/Broadcast this message & you may save others!!
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Bubur Lambuk Special dari myMAM
Semua anak qariah masjid al-mukarramah di jemput mengambil bubur lambuk di masjid pada hari ahad 14 dan 21 ogos 2011 selepas solat asar.
Gambar Hiasan |
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
FRIDAY, 05 AUGUST 2011 09:39 |
Hal ini berlaku disebabkan senario global seperti kenaikan harga makanan dunia. Menurut FAO, Index harga makanan meningkat pada pada Disember 2010 mengatasi tahun 2008 dan pada Mac 2011, harga menurun sedikit dan stabil pada bulan April 2011, walaupun harga ini masih tinggi. Dunia turut mengalami kekurangan air untuk pertanian di samping berlaku perubahan cuaca yang menjejaskan kehidupan masyarakat luar bandar dan keselamatan penduduk seperti kes kematian yang tinggi dalam kalangan kanak-kanak di Somalia akibat kekurangan makanan. Kenaikan harga minyak dunia juga amat menyesakkan masyarakat dunia. Menurut Associates Press, harga minyak dunia dijangka meningkat melebihi AS$100. Pertubuhan Negara-negara Pengeksport Petroleum (OPEC) mengumumkan tidak akan meningkatkan pengeluaran minyak mentah. Manakala penggunaan minyak dunia dijangka akan bertambah sebanyak 2% pada tahun ini dengan purata 88.4 juta tong sehari. Kemelut peperangan Timur Tengah yang masih berterusan juga menyebabkan harga minyak melonjak kepada 25% merupakan antara catatan tertinggi setakat ini (Januari hingga April 2011). Selain itu, harga gas dunia turut mengalami kenaikan, walaupun pada dasarnya harga arang batu lebih stabil berbanding minyak dan gas. Harga arang batu dilaporkan pada Mac 2009 hanya AS$85 dan kini telah mencecah lebih AS$120 setiap tan. PERSEDIAAN PENGGUNA Bersederhana dalam kehidupan adalah petua terbaik untuk mengawal nafsu daripada berbelanja secara berlebihan seperti mengurangkan perbelanjaan dapur dan belanja makanan. Langkah-langkah untuk menjimatkan perbelanjaan ialah: a) Membeli secara pukal Anda boleh membeli barangan secara pukal untuk barangan harian yang tahan lama seperti beras, minyak masak, sabun basuh dan syampu untuk sebulan sekali. Bagi barangan basah seperti ikan, ayam, sayur-sayuran dibeli secara 2 minggu sekali. Anda boleh menyimpan makanan di dalam freezer untuk mengekalkan kesegaran makanan tersebut. Anda perlu rancang pembelian dengan menyediakan senarai barangan yang perlu dibeli. Elakkan daripada membuat pembelian yang tidak dirancang. b) Jualan promosi Promosi jualan murah semakin diperhebatkan menjelang musim perayaan ini. Persaingan sengit yang sihat ini akan memberi pilihan kepada pengguna. Menurut pakar psikologi, suri rumah mengamalkan tabiat setia pada satu-satu kedai atau pasar raya. Tabiat ini perlu dielakkan. Dengan adanya jualan murah di serata tempat, ia dapat menggalakkan anda untuk membuat perbandingan harga. Fkirkanlah sama ada pasar raya yang bakal dikunjungi menawarkan penjimatan yang sangat berbaloi kepada anda. c) Menyediakan makanan di rumah Faktor kesuntukan masa, terutama wanita berkerjaya, adalah alasan untuk tidak menyediakan makanan sendiri di rumah. Amalan menyediakan makanan di rumah lebih menjimatkan dan kebersihannya lebih terjamin. Anda boleh mengurangkan kekerapan membeli makanan di bazar-bazar ramadhan. Mungkin tanpa anda sedari, dengan berbelanja di luar, anda telah membayar kos-kos seperti upah tukang masak, pekerja, sewa kedai atau tapak gerai, pengangkutan dan sebagainya, menjadikan makanan tersebut mahal. d) Kawal penggunaan air dan tenaga Purata penggunaan air domestik di Malaysia ialah sebanyak 226 liter per kapita sehari menurut satu kajian. Menurut data yang dikeluarkan oleh Jabatan Pengairan dan Saliran, purata penggunaan air dalam satu mandian ialah sebanyak 50 liter hingga 100 liter sehari. Pembaziran akan merugikan anda kerana pada akhir bulan anda terpaksa membayar bil yang tinggi. Begitu juga, gunakanlah cahaya matahari untuk menerangi rumah anda dan gunakan lampu kalimantang atau produk yang cekap tenaga. e) Menilai keperluan, kehendak dan rangsangan Anda perlu menilai sama ada adakah sesuatu barangan yang ingin dibeli itu benar-benar diperlukannya? Atau jika ia diperlukan, bolehkah pembelian tersebut ditangguhkan? Adakah altenatif yang lebih murah? Bolehkah ia dibuat sendiri? Persoalan-persoalan ini perlu difikirkan sebelum anda membuat keputusan dalam pasaran. Mengikut pengalaman bagi kaum wanita, setelah membeli baju, mereka perlu mendapatkan tudung yang berpadanan, kemudian mendapatkan aksesori seperti kerongsang, rantai, beg tangan yang bersesuaian dengannya. Faktor rakan sebaya juga turut mempengaruhi dalam berbelanja. Seolah-olah anda setaraf dengan rakan tersebut apabila anda berekspresi atau bergaya seperti mereka. Fikirkanlah, wang sering diperkatakan murah untuk dibelanjakan tetapi sangat susah untuk disimpan. Oleh itu, pilihan di tangan anda. Berbelanjalah secara berhemat untuk kesejahteraan pada masa hadapan. Siti Rahayu Zakaria Gabungan Persatuan-Persatuan Pengguna Malaysia (FOMCA) |
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Muslim Aid: Program Ramadhan Fast 2 Feed Kembali lagi!
Assalamualaikum wrb,
Bersedekah Di Bulan RamadhanBulan Ramadhan adalah bulan yang mempunyai banyak kelebihan. Antaranya Allah s.w.t. telah menjanjikan bahawa akan terbuka segala pintu syurga dan ditutup segala pintu neraka, serta diikat segala syaitan. Pada bulan Ramadhan juga digalakkan kita bersedekah bagi mewujudkan keinsafan diri dan menyemai sikap tanggungjawab sesama manusia.
Selama sebulan kita menikmati juadah berbuka puasa dengan beraneka macam makanan lazat dan minuman segar dan seterusnya merayakan Aidilfitri pada 1 Syawal. Akan tetapi sedarkah kita, masih ada antara masyarakat kita yang masih hidup dalam kemiskinan dan juga saudara-saudara seagama kita di luar sana yang menderita akibat peperangan ataupun bencana alam?
Diriwayatkan bahawa Rasulullah saw bersifat lebih pemurah dan dermawan sewaktu Ramadan. Dalam hal ini, Baginda bersabda yang bermaksud: “Sedekah yang paling afdhal (baik) adalah sedekah yang dikeluarkan dalam bulan Ramadan.” (Hadis riwayat Bukhari dan Muslim).
Mari Bersedekah Bersama Muslim Aid
Muslim Aid mengajak Muslimin dan Muslimat untuk turut sama menghayati keistimewaan Bulan Ramadhan dengan cara bersedekah kepada mereka yang memerlukan melalui aktiviti kelolaan Muslim Aid sepanjang tahun. Sebuah program yang diberi nama Fast 2 Feed (F2F) akan dijalankan semasa bulan Ramadhan ini. Program F2F ini akan memberi peluang kepada orang ramai untuk menaja anak-anak yatim, keluarga fakir miskin, warga OKU dan pelarian berbuka puasa disamping berbuka puasa bersama mereka. Program F2F ini juga merupakan program tahunan Muslim Aid di bulan Ramadhan. Pada yang berminat untuk sertai program F2F, boleh layari http://fast2feedmuslimaidasia.blogspot.com/ atau di laman Facebook kami di http://www.facebook.com/fast2feed
Atau hubungi pejabat Muslim Aid di 03-22881996.
Semoga bulan Ramadhan kali ini lebih bermakna.
Terima kasih,
Muhammad bin Kamarulazizi
Programme Development Manager
Muslim Aid Malaysia Humanitarian Foundation
Muslim Aid Asia
Tel: 603 2288 1996
Fax: 603 2288 1966
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Dialogue Session with Deputy Inspector General of Police
Greetings from BSDRA!
The people of Bandar Sri Damansara and the police enjoy an excellent relationship. This relationship is due to continuous engagement with the police officers and the senior officers at Sungai Buloh, Petaling Jaya and Bukit Aman. As part of our ongoing exercise to engage the senior officers, the BSDRA is extremely delighted to have the honour of the Deputy Inspector General of Police, YDH Dato’ Sri Khalid Bin Abu Bakar, who has confirmed to attend a dialogue session, followed by a hi-tea with our residents on:
Date : Sunday, 31st July 2011
Time : 4:00p.m. – 6.00 p.m.
Venue : Saga Room, Ground Floor, Persiaran Perdana, Sri Damansara Club
4:15 p.m. Welcoming Remarks by President, BSDRA, Mr Ravindran Raman Kutty
4:20 p.m. Award presentation to YDH Dato’ Sri Khalid Bin Abu Bakar "The Most Affable Cop" award from BSD residents
4:25 p.m. Presentation on the "Overview on BSD Security and its future", by Mr. Cheah Wing Choong, Security Chairman, BSDRA
4:40 p.m. Address by YDH Dato’ Sri Khalid Bin Abu Bakar, Deputy Inspector General of Police
5:30 p.m. Dialogue session with residents
6:00 p.m. Close
Every resident is invited to attend the dialogue session. Refreshments will be served.
Please inform your neighbours to attend.
If you require further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Thank you.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Notis Mesyuarat JARINGAN
Tarikh: Sabtu, 16hb Julai 2011
Masa: 9:30 pagi
Tempat: Bilik Pusat Sumber Ilmu, Masjid Al-Mukarramah, BSD
Semua AJK diwajibkan hadir. Sekian. Terima Kasih.
Masa: 9:30 pagi
Tempat: Bilik Pusat Sumber Ilmu, Masjid Al-Mukarramah, BSD
Semua AJK diwajibkan hadir. Sekian. Terima Kasih.
Monday, July 11, 2011
The Essential To-Do List for First-Time Entrepreneurs
By Mary Goodman and Rich Russakoff | June 29, 2011
It’s also useful to think of starting a business like having a baby: It will take all the time you can give it and lots more money than you thought it would. Go into it with eyes wide open and be prepared to make a 24/7 time commitment. Part-time entrepreneurs have about as much success as part-time parents.
When you leave the corporate world to go out on your own, you trade the illusion of security for the illusion of freedom. It’s best to realize that now.
Before we go into how to increase your chances for success, first a few dire facts. Only about half of small business start-ups survive 5 years or longer. The top two reasons for failure are:
1. Lack of experience — not operational (building or selling your better mouse trap) but lack of business experience.
2. Running out of cash — the earning curve never catches up with the learning curve.
So, our best piece of advice to you is this: When you control your money, you control your future. Here’s a to-do list to help you get to the five-year mark — and beyond.
1. Overestimate (generously) your costs to start up.
A few years ago, a rock climber in Phoenix needed rescuing when he tried to rappel a 400-foot rock face with a 250-foot rope. Your initial cash for your start-up is like your rope. Are you going to leave yourself dangling 150 feet from your destination?
Don’t make the mistake of underestimating the cost of your new business and overestimating sales and your break-even point. Instead, try this: Take your best, conservative estimate for your start-up costs, then double it. Then add 20%. Surprisingly, this is usually pretty close to reality.
2. Know your break-even point.
Ten thousand dollars in sales does not cover $10,000 of expenses. Your cost of sales could easily be $7,000, leaving you $3,000 in gross profit, which you will need to pay all of your sales, general, and administrative costs. It’s simple arithmetic: You reach the break-even point when your gross profit equals all remaining business costs.
3. Realize that you can’t make up in volume what you lose in profit — so price accordingly.
One of the great myths in business is that by offering lower prices you will attract more customers and then, down the road, you can raise your prices. Without proper profit margins, you will not generate the cash flow to stay in business. You can’t be all things to all people. It is far more important to establish a clear and unique value proposition, then price your goods and services accordingly.
4. Build your financial team.
Waiting until you make money to put together a financial team is like waiting until you lose weight before you start an exercise program. A good bookkeeper, controller, CFO, CPA, financial advisor, etc… can help you make money, and more importantly, help you keep it! A word of warning: You can delegate to your financial team but do not abdicate.
5. Find a mentor or business coach.
Even if you’re sure you don’t need one, find at least one mentor or coach, and be willing to listen. Ask him or her to review your budget, projections, marketing plan, targeted customer profiles, and, most importantly, your assumptions.
6. Conquer your fear of financials.
No matter what your native language, the financial language of business is foreign. Learn the language or get an interpreter you trust. Though you’ll rely heavily on your financial team to create reports, build time in your schedule to review and understand the reports. For sure you will look at your daily sales and cash balances. Look, too, at your weekly cash flow, break even, and monthly income statement/P&L statement, balance sheet, and variance reports. Conduct both a sniff test (if it doesn’t smell right then there’s probably something sick and wrong) and a random integrity check.
Sound daunting? It’s only the beginning. But if we only thought about dirty diapers and crying kids, we’d never have babies. The same is true with starting a business, there’s a lot of crap, but there’s a lot of joy to be had as well.
For those of you who have started businesses — what were (or are) your greatest challenges?
Stroke Symptoms
They say if you email this to ten people, you stand a chance of saving one life. Will you send this along?
Blood Clots/Stroke - They Now Have a Fourth Indicator, the Tongue
I will continue to forward this every time it comes around!
STROKE: Remember the 1st Three Letters..... S. T. R.
During a BBQ, a woman stumbled and took a little fall - she assured everyone that she was fine (they offered to call paramedics) ....she said she had just tripped over a brick because of her new shoes.
They got her cleaned up and got her a new plate of food. While she appeared a bit shaken up, Jane went about enjoying herself the rest of the evening.
Jane's husband called l! ater telling everyone that his wife had been taken to the hospital - (at 6:00 pm Jane passed away.) She had suffered a stroke at the BBQ. Had they known how to identify the signs of a stroke, perhaps Jane would be with us today. Some don't die. They end up in a helpless, hopeless condition instead.
It only takes a minute to read this.
A neurologist says that if he can get to a stroke victim within 3 hours he can totally reverse the effects of a stroke...totally. He said the trick was getting a stroke recognized, diagnosed, and then getting the patient medically cared for within 3 hours, which is tough.
Thank God for the sense to remember the '3' steps, STR. Read and Learn!
Sometimes symptoms of a stroke are difficult to identify. Unfortunately, the lack of awareness spells disaster. The stroke victim may suffer severe brain damage when people nearby fail to recognize the symptoms of a stroke.
Now doctors say a bystander can recognize a stroke by asking three simple questions:
S * Ask the individual to SMILE.
T * Ask the person to TALK and SPEAK A SIMPLE SENTENCE (Coherently) (i.e. It is sunny out today.)
R * Ask him or her to RAISE BOTH ARMS.
If he or she has trouble with ANY ONE of these tasks, call emergency number immediately and describe the symptoms to the dispatcher.
New Sign of a Stroke -------- Stick out Your Tongue
NOTE: Another 'sign' of a stroke is this: Ask the person to 'stick' out his tongue. If the tongue is 'crooked', i.e., if it goes to one side or the other that is also an indication of a stroke.
A cardiologist says if everyone who gets this e-mail sends it to 10 people; you can bet that at least one life will be saved.
I have done my part. Will you?
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Monday, June 27, 2011
Sukacita di maklumkan kepada sesiapa yang berminat untuk menghadiri tilawah al-qur'an antarabangsa pada tahun ini yang bermula dari 16hb~23hb. Julai di PWTC, bermula jam 8.00 mlm~ 11.00 mlm, bertolak dari Bandar Sri Damansara selepas maghrib. Sekiranya ada yang berminat sila maklumkan secepat mungkin untuk memudahkan urusan. Terbuka kepada semua muslimin dan muslimah, tak kira peringkat umur. TRANSPORT DI SEDIAKAN, BAS KIFFAH. Sila hubungi Hjh Wan Mahiran di talian 0123604526 untuk makluman lanjut. Sekian. Wassalam.
Sukacita di maklumkan kepada sesiapa yang berminat untuk menghadiri tilawah al-qur'an antarabangsa pada tahun ini yang bermula dari 16hb~23hb. Julai di PWTC, bermula jam 8.00 mlm~ 11.00 mlm, bertolak dari Bandar Sri Damansara selepas maghrib. Sekiranya ada yang berminat sila maklumkan secepat mungkin untuk memudahkan urusan. Terbuka kepada semua muslimin dan muslimah, tak kira peringkat umur. TRANSPORT DI SEDIAKAN, BAS KIFFAH. Sila hubungi Hjh Wan Mahiran di talian 0123604526 untuk makluman lanjut. Sekian. Wassalam.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Lawatan ke Singapura
Satu program lawatan ke Singapura anjuran Jaringan akan diadakan seperti berikut:
- Tarikh: 24hb Jun - 26hb Jun 2011
- Pengangkutan: Kiffah Travel
- Bayaran Penyertaan: RM300.00 seorang
- Deposit: RM150.00 (kepada sesiapa yang berminat diminta bayar deposit dahulu)
Diantara aktiviti-aktiviti yang menarik ialah (subject to change):
- menziarah saudara se Islam di Singapura
- menziarah pusat pengajian Islam di Republik seperti masjid, dsb
- menyertai majlis forum/ceramah agama yang akan disampaikan oleh YBhg Dato' Hasan Din al-Hafiz
- melawat pusat membeli belah terkenal seperti Orchard Street, Arab Street & Bugis, Sentosa Island dan Gelang
- melawat Universal Studio Singapore
- dll.
Untuk keterangan lanjut sila hubungi sekretariat program: Hj. Saat (019.761.9915) atau Hjh Wan Mahiran (012.360.4526).
Tempat terhad. Sila daftar segera.
Kuliah Dhuha Bersama Datuk Hassan Din Al-Hafiz
Siri kuliah dhuha kali ini akan diadakan pada hari Isnin 30hb Mei 2011 jam 9:30pagi bertempat di Masjid Al-Mukarramah, Bandar Sri Damansara, Kuala Lumpur. Penceramah jemputan adalah YBhg Datuk Hasan Din al-Hafiz. Semua muslimin dan muslimah dijemput hadir. Sekian dan sila sebarkan.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Bantuan Bencana Rumah Anak Yatim Hidayah Hulu Langat
Sebagaimana yang telah di ketahui umum bencana tanah runtuh yang telah menimpa Rumah Anak Yatim Hidayah Hulu Langat pada 21 Mei lalu telah mengorbankan 16 mangsa. Sehubungan dengan itu pihak Jaringan ingin menganjurkan kutipan derma untuk di salurkan kepada Rumah Kebajikan tersebut. Sesiapa yang berminat untuk menghulurkan bantuan dalam bentuk wang tunai, makanan, pakaian, dan sebagainya diminta menghubungi pejabat Jaringan di talian 03.6274.9276 atau Hj Mois/019.262.2421, Hj Mior/016.232.7979 dan Hj Zul/019.386.2400
Tuan/Puan juga boleh bank-in cek ke akaun Jaringan atas nama "PERTUBUHAN JARINGAN KOMUNITI ISLAM KUALA LUMPUR" dengan nota rujukan Bantuan Bencana Rumah Anak Yatim Hidayah Hulu Langat. Nombor akaun RHB: 21232100049430. Sila faks salinan bank-in slip ke pejabat 03.6274.9663/
Segala bentuk bantuan yang dapat dihulurkan kami dahulukan dengan ucapan ribuan terima kasih. Semoga Allah mencucuri dan merahmati kesemua roh mereka yang terkorban.
Tuan/Puan juga boleh bank-in cek ke akaun Jaringan atas nama "PERTUBUHAN JARINGAN KOMUNITI ISLAM KUALA LUMPUR" dengan nota rujukan Bantuan Bencana Rumah Anak Yatim Hidayah Hulu Langat. Nombor akaun RHB: 21232100049430. Sila faks salinan bank-in slip ke pejabat 03.6274.9663/
Picture Courtesy of Star Online
Segala bentuk bantuan yang dapat dihulurkan kami dahulukan dengan ucapan ribuan terima kasih. Semoga Allah mencucuri dan merahmati kesemua roh mereka yang terkorban.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
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