Kelas tuisyen B. Inggeris, Matematik & Al Quran anjuran Biro Pendidikan, Dakwah & Internasional, Masjid Al Mukarramah (MAM) bagi tahun 2, 3, 4 & 5 akan bermula pada 3 Ogos 2009 dari jam 7.30 - 8.30 malam bertempat di Masjid Al Mukarramah. Jadual kelas adalah seperti berikut:
Isnin | B.Inggeris [tahun 2,3,4] | Al-Quran [tahun 5]
Selasa | Matematik [tahun 2,3,5] | Al-Quran [tahun 4]
Rabu | Al-Quran [tahun 2,3] | Matematik [tahun 4] | B. Inggeris [tahun 5]
Bagi pelajar-pelajar yang telah mendaftarkan diri bolehlah hadir untuk kelas-kelas tersebut.
Pertubuhan Jaringan Komuniti Islam Kuala Lumpur atau JARINGAN ialah sebuah "NGO" yang ditubuhkan untuk mengeratkan lagi siratulrahim diantara penduduk Islam di Bandar Sri Damansara (BSD) khususnya dan penduduk dipersekitaran kawasan BSD am nya.
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Friday, July 31, 2009
Internet Pioneer Vint Cerf Still Looking Forward
Vint Cerf is often called the "Father of the Internet." He doesn't like the title much, saying there are others who deserve to share the credit. But he was there at the beginning, as a co-designer of the basic architecture of the Internet. He now works for Google as their chief Internet evangelist.
But just because Vint Cerf doesn't like to be called the father of the Internet doesn't mean that he's not proud of the youngster he helped bring into the world.
"Well, the kid certainly has gotten a lot bigger than it was when we started," Cerf says.
"If you looked at 1997 statistics, just 12 years ago, there were about 50 million users. Now there's over 1.7 billion of them. It's also being used in ways that it wasn't being used when we were first doing the design. So the rate of introduction of innovative new applications has been pretty dramatic. And as the number of users grows, the rate at which innovation occurs also increases. So the Net is transforming itself literally day by day."
Along with fellow Internet pioneer Robert Kahn, Cerf has been honored with the Presidential Medal of Freedom and the National Medal of Technology.
Helping the world get online
As Google's chief Internet evangelist, he says his job is to promote the expansion of the Internet.
"Well, it mostly means that part of my job is to help get the Internet to go where no Internet has gone before. Only about 25 percent of the world's population is in fact online and able to access the Internet. So the other 75 percent needs some help, and my job is to stimulate thinking about investment in the expansion of the Internet in every dimension possible."
In an interview during an industry conference in Washington, Cerf spoke about the so-called digital divide that separates the Internet haves from the have-nots. He says the digital divide is usually a consequence of economics.
"If you can't afford to buy the equipment, or you can't afford to pay for access service, then you are disenfranchised," he says. "The question, then, is what to do about that.
By good fortune, technology is moving in our favor. The cost of the devices that can do Internet is coming down. More and more mobiles are capable of doing Internet, for example. In addition to the reduced cost of the equipment, competition or other regulatory actions is driving the cost of access down as well."
And with the drop in those prices - for equipment and Internet access - more people will be able to afford to go online.
Another way the digital divide is being bridged, Cerf said, is with more Internet cafes, which effectively spread the cost of equipment and access over a community of users.
"But I think the most dramatic one will almost certainly be mobiles, because they are rapidly proliferating around the world. There's an estimated 4 billion of them in use right now. Not all of them are Internet capable; maybe 20 percent of them are. But right away that's 800 million more people using the Net."
The Internet's downside
Internet pioneer Vint Cerf says his biggest disappointment with the Internet is the vast amount of poor quality information now available online, not to mention cyber-pathologies such as viruses, identity theft, stalking and so on.
"That's an inescapable side effect, unfortunately, and although I regret it, I recognize that that's also a sign that the Internet has become available to a very broad swath of our planet."
Moving beyond the World Wide Web
When asked what has been his biggest surprise, he talked about the eagerness, the determination of users to post information on the Internet for all the world to see.
For all of this world to see, so far. In recent years Vint Cerf has actually been working on an Interplanetary Protocol, for moving data around a future Internet not stuck here on our home world.
The problem is that the current system for moving data around the Internet wasn't really built to cope with the very long time lags and poor reliability of space transmission.
"And so we had to invent a new suite of protocols that we call 'delay and disruption tolerant networking.' What surprised me out of all that is that we discovered that those protocols are actually useful terrestrially in earthbound application, so now we're seeing people using these interplanetary protocols in order to make more robust the surface communications in mobile operations."
How to keep up with changing technology?
Life in the digital world changes so rapidly, that files created only a decade or so ago may be unreadable because they were created with what is now obsolete software. Will a PowerPoint or Microsoft Word or JPG or MP3 file be useable in 100 years? A thousand? Cerf has written about what he calls "bit rot."
"The thing I worry about is that, as we create more and more digital content and put it into the Net, that we run an increasingly large risk over time of not being able to interpret the data that we're accumulating in the Net. There are a tangle of problems associated with this thing I'm calling bit rot, not solved yet. Librarians [are] caring a great deal about this problem, and others as well. [We] must solve [it], or all the information on the Internet will eventually become useless."
This article was originally published by Voice of America.
But just because Vint Cerf doesn't like to be called the father of the Internet doesn't mean that he's not proud of the youngster he helped bring into the world.
"Well, the kid certainly has gotten a lot bigger than it was when we started," Cerf says.
"If you looked at 1997 statistics, just 12 years ago, there were about 50 million users. Now there's over 1.7 billion of them. It's also being used in ways that it wasn't being used when we were first doing the design. So the rate of introduction of innovative new applications has been pretty dramatic. And as the number of users grows, the rate at which innovation occurs also increases. So the Net is transforming itself literally day by day."
Along with fellow Internet pioneer Robert Kahn, Cerf has been honored with the Presidential Medal of Freedom and the National Medal of Technology.
Helping the world get online
As Google's chief Internet evangelist, he says his job is to promote the expansion of the Internet.
"Well, it mostly means that part of my job is to help get the Internet to go where no Internet has gone before. Only about 25 percent of the world's population is in fact online and able to access the Internet. So the other 75 percent needs some help, and my job is to stimulate thinking about investment in the expansion of the Internet in every dimension possible."
In an interview during an industry conference in Washington, Cerf spoke about the so-called digital divide that separates the Internet haves from the have-nots. He says the digital divide is usually a consequence of economics.
"If you can't afford to buy the equipment, or you can't afford to pay for access service, then you are disenfranchised," he says. "The question, then, is what to do about that.
By good fortune, technology is moving in our favor. The cost of the devices that can do Internet is coming down. More and more mobiles are capable of doing Internet, for example. In addition to the reduced cost of the equipment, competition or other regulatory actions is driving the cost of access down as well."
And with the drop in those prices - for equipment and Internet access - more people will be able to afford to go online.
Another way the digital divide is being bridged, Cerf said, is with more Internet cafes, which effectively spread the cost of equipment and access over a community of users.
"But I think the most dramatic one will almost certainly be mobiles, because they are rapidly proliferating around the world. There's an estimated 4 billion of them in use right now. Not all of them are Internet capable; maybe 20 percent of them are. But right away that's 800 million more people using the Net."
The Internet's downside
Internet pioneer Vint Cerf says his biggest disappointment with the Internet is the vast amount of poor quality information now available online, not to mention cyber-pathologies such as viruses, identity theft, stalking and so on.
"That's an inescapable side effect, unfortunately, and although I regret it, I recognize that that's also a sign that the Internet has become available to a very broad swath of our planet."
Moving beyond the World Wide Web
When asked what has been his biggest surprise, he talked about the eagerness, the determination of users to post information on the Internet for all the world to see.
For all of this world to see, so far. In recent years Vint Cerf has actually been working on an Interplanetary Protocol, for moving data around a future Internet not stuck here on our home world.
The problem is that the current system for moving data around the Internet wasn't really built to cope with the very long time lags and poor reliability of space transmission.
"And so we had to invent a new suite of protocols that we call 'delay and disruption tolerant networking.' What surprised me out of all that is that we discovered that those protocols are actually useful terrestrially in earthbound application, so now we're seeing people using these interplanetary protocols in order to make more robust the surface communications in mobile operations."
How to keep up with changing technology?
Life in the digital world changes so rapidly, that files created only a decade or so ago may be unreadable because they were created with what is now obsolete software. Will a PowerPoint or Microsoft Word or JPG or MP3 file be useable in 100 years? A thousand? Cerf has written about what he calls "bit rot."
"The thing I worry about is that, as we create more and more digital content and put it into the Net, that we run an increasingly large risk over time of not being able to interpret the data that we're accumulating in the Net. There are a tangle of problems associated with this thing I'm calling bit rot, not solved yet. Librarians [are] caring a great deal about this problem, and others as well. [We] must solve [it], or all the information on the Internet will eventually become useless."
This article was originally published by Voice of America.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Monday, July 13, 2009
Tindakan pemaju, MBPJ diselar
sedutan dari Utusan Malaysia 13.07.09
DAMANSARA 12 Julai - 'Katakan Tidak Pada Jalan Penghubung Antara Sutera Damansara Dengan Bandar Sri Damansara!'Begitulah suara hati hampir 60,000 penduduk Bandar Sri Damansara (BSD) bagi membantah tindakan pemaju di Sutera Damansara yang mengambil jalan mudah dengan membina jalan penghubung ke BSD untuk menghubungkan Sutera Damansara dengan Lebuh Raya Damansara- Puchong (LDP).
Ini bukanlah kali pertama kejadian seperti ini dihadapi oleh penduduk.
Kira-kira 10 tahun lalu, satu projek yang hampir sama iaitu pembinaan jalan penghubung juga hampir dibina di kawasan ini.
Projek tersebut dihentikan selepas dibantah oleh penduduk BSD atas sebab-sebab keselamatan, kesesakan lalu lintas dan sebagainya.
Nampaknya penduduk sekali lagi berhadapan dengan masalah yang sama. Kali ini berpunca daripada pemaju di Sutera Damansara yang mengambil kesempatan di atas kemudahan di BSD.
Yusni Mohd. Som, 44 yang telah menghuni BSD sejak 1995 menyelar tindakan pemaju berkenaan.
"Jalan Persiaran Meranti dan Perdana ini dibina khusus untuk kegunaan penduduk di BSD.
"Adalah tidak wajar pemaju dari kawasan luar BSD menggunakan jalan di BSD sebagai laluan keluar-masuk mereka," katanya kepada Utusan Malaysia.
Menurutnya lagi, jika jalan penghubung tersebut dibuka, ini akan mengancam keselamatan penduduk terutamanya pelajar-pelajar di tujuh buah sekolah sekitar BSD.
"Kebanyakan daripada pelajar berjalan kaki ke sekolah. Jika bilangan kenderaan semakin bertambah, maka risiko untuk berlaku kemalangan turut meningkat.
"Apatah lagi, jalan di kedua-dua persiaran ini hanya mempunyai sedikit lampu isyarat trafik yang membolehkan kenderaan bergerak laju.
"Minggu lalu, berlaku kemalangan serius yang melibatkan pelajar sekolah. Bayangkan jika jumlah kenderaan bertambah, bagaimana tahap keselamatan anak-anak kami," tambahnya.
Kenyataan ini disokong oleh Zulkifli Hassan, 48. Menurutnya, ketika ini banyak berlaku aktiviti lumba kereta dan motosikal di kawasan berkenaan.
"Boleh dikatakan hampir setiap bulan pasti akan ada kesan kemalangan di jalan- jalan ini seperti serpihan cermin kereta, tiang lampu yang bengkok dan lain-lain lagi.
"Pembinaan jalan penghubung dari Sutera Damansara tersebut akan menjadi akses kepada beberapa kawasan seperti Damansara Damai, Saujana Damansara dan Prima Damansara yang dianggarkan mempunyai penduduk hampir 80,000 orang yang akan menggunakan jalan di BSD sebagai laluan ke LDP.
"Kami tidak mahu keharmonian penduduk di BSD ini terancam akibat pembukaan jalan penghubung berkenaan,"katanya.
Selain itu, Zulkifli juga hairan kenapa pihak pemaju di Sutera Damansara tidak membina laluan sendiri ke LDP menerusi Sungai Buloh.
"Jarak yang jauh itu bukan satu alasan yang boleh diterima. Paling penting jalan Persiaran Meranti dan Perdana ini bukan dibina untuk kemudahan mereka (pemaju) tetapi untuk penduduk di sini," tambahnya lagi.
Sementara itu, Khairi Mohd. Saad, 44, berkata tindakan penduduk BSD ini bukan menghalang kemudahan untuk penduduk di luar BSD.
"Kami hanya memperjuangkan hak kami sebagai penduduk di sini.
"Tidak wajar kami menerima kesan buruk seperti ancaman keselamatan, pencemaran alam dan kesesakan jalan akibat pembukaan jalan tersebut.
"Jika berlaku perkara seperti itu, kami sebagai penduduk disini akan menanggung segala kerugian termasuklah berhadapan dengan jalan-jalan rosak.
"Menyentuh mengenai jenayah, jika berlaku jenayah di sini, pihak polis hanya perlu menutup dua laluan keluar-masuk dan ini akan memudahkan penjenayah diberkas.
"Tetapi dengan pembukaan jalan tersebut, penjenayah dengan mudah meloloskan diri kerana terdapat banyak laluan keluar melalui jalan berkenaan yang boleh digunakan selepas melakukan jenayah," tegasnya.
Sebenarnya banyak lagi implikasi negatif bakal wujud akibat pembukaan jalan tersebut. Sememangnya pemaju di Sutera Damansara perlu membuat laluan keluar sendiri ke LDP dan tidak mengganggu penduduk BSD.
Ini bukan atas dasar membela nasib penduduk BSD, tetapi lebih kepada mempersoalkan tanggungjawab pemaju terhadap bakal penduduk di Sutera Damansara sendiri.
Ini kerana masalah-masalah berbangkit akan turut dihadapi oleh semua pihak termasuklah mereka yang bakal menghuni Sutera Damansara.
Manakan tidak, baru sahaja hendak tinggal di rumah yang selesa, penduduk menghadapi masalah sukar hendak keluar dan masuk ke kawasan perumahan akibat tindakan pemaju mereka yang tidak menyediakan kemudahan jalan raya yang baik.
Penduduk juga mempersoalkan tindakan Majlis Bandaraya Petaling Jaya (MBPJ) meluluskan projek berkenaan tanpa merujuk kepada penduduk.
Mereka menegaskan, bukankah setiap pembangunan yang berhampiran atau melibatkan penduduk setempat, MBPJ perlu mendapatkan persetujuan penduduk?
DAMANSARA 12 Julai - 'Katakan Tidak Pada Jalan Penghubung Antara Sutera Damansara Dengan Bandar Sri Damansara!'Begitulah suara hati hampir 60,000 penduduk Bandar Sri Damansara (BSD) bagi membantah tindakan pemaju di Sutera Damansara yang mengambil jalan mudah dengan membina jalan penghubung ke BSD untuk menghubungkan Sutera Damansara dengan Lebuh Raya Damansara- Puchong (LDP).
Ini bukanlah kali pertama kejadian seperti ini dihadapi oleh penduduk.
Kira-kira 10 tahun lalu, satu projek yang hampir sama iaitu pembinaan jalan penghubung juga hampir dibina di kawasan ini.
Projek tersebut dihentikan selepas dibantah oleh penduduk BSD atas sebab-sebab keselamatan, kesesakan lalu lintas dan sebagainya.
Nampaknya penduduk sekali lagi berhadapan dengan masalah yang sama. Kali ini berpunca daripada pemaju di Sutera Damansara yang mengambil kesempatan di atas kemudahan di BSD.
Yusni Mohd. Som, 44 yang telah menghuni BSD sejak 1995 menyelar tindakan pemaju berkenaan.
"Jalan Persiaran Meranti dan Perdana ini dibina khusus untuk kegunaan penduduk di BSD.
"Adalah tidak wajar pemaju dari kawasan luar BSD menggunakan jalan di BSD sebagai laluan keluar-masuk mereka," katanya kepada Utusan Malaysia.
Menurutnya lagi, jika jalan penghubung tersebut dibuka, ini akan mengancam keselamatan penduduk terutamanya pelajar-pelajar di tujuh buah sekolah sekitar BSD.
"Kebanyakan daripada pelajar berjalan kaki ke sekolah. Jika bilangan kenderaan semakin bertambah, maka risiko untuk berlaku kemalangan turut meningkat.
"Apatah lagi, jalan di kedua-dua persiaran ini hanya mempunyai sedikit lampu isyarat trafik yang membolehkan kenderaan bergerak laju.
"Minggu lalu, berlaku kemalangan serius yang melibatkan pelajar sekolah. Bayangkan jika jumlah kenderaan bertambah, bagaimana tahap keselamatan anak-anak kami," tambahnya.
Kenyataan ini disokong oleh Zulkifli Hassan, 48. Menurutnya, ketika ini banyak berlaku aktiviti lumba kereta dan motosikal di kawasan berkenaan.
"Boleh dikatakan hampir setiap bulan pasti akan ada kesan kemalangan di jalan- jalan ini seperti serpihan cermin kereta, tiang lampu yang bengkok dan lain-lain lagi.
"Pembinaan jalan penghubung dari Sutera Damansara tersebut akan menjadi akses kepada beberapa kawasan seperti Damansara Damai, Saujana Damansara dan Prima Damansara yang dianggarkan mempunyai penduduk hampir 80,000 orang yang akan menggunakan jalan di BSD sebagai laluan ke LDP.
"Kami tidak mahu keharmonian penduduk di BSD ini terancam akibat pembukaan jalan penghubung berkenaan,"katanya.
Selain itu, Zulkifli juga hairan kenapa pihak pemaju di Sutera Damansara tidak membina laluan sendiri ke LDP menerusi Sungai Buloh.
"Jarak yang jauh itu bukan satu alasan yang boleh diterima. Paling penting jalan Persiaran Meranti dan Perdana ini bukan dibina untuk kemudahan mereka (pemaju) tetapi untuk penduduk di sini," tambahnya lagi.
Sementara itu, Khairi Mohd. Saad, 44, berkata tindakan penduduk BSD ini bukan menghalang kemudahan untuk penduduk di luar BSD.
"Kami hanya memperjuangkan hak kami sebagai penduduk di sini.
"Tidak wajar kami menerima kesan buruk seperti ancaman keselamatan, pencemaran alam dan kesesakan jalan akibat pembukaan jalan tersebut.
"Jika berlaku perkara seperti itu, kami sebagai penduduk disini akan menanggung segala kerugian termasuklah berhadapan dengan jalan-jalan rosak.
"Menyentuh mengenai jenayah, jika berlaku jenayah di sini, pihak polis hanya perlu menutup dua laluan keluar-masuk dan ini akan memudahkan penjenayah diberkas.
"Tetapi dengan pembukaan jalan tersebut, penjenayah dengan mudah meloloskan diri kerana terdapat banyak laluan keluar melalui jalan berkenaan yang boleh digunakan selepas melakukan jenayah," tegasnya.
Sebenarnya banyak lagi implikasi negatif bakal wujud akibat pembukaan jalan tersebut. Sememangnya pemaju di Sutera Damansara perlu membuat laluan keluar sendiri ke LDP dan tidak mengganggu penduduk BSD.
Ini bukan atas dasar membela nasib penduduk BSD, tetapi lebih kepada mempersoalkan tanggungjawab pemaju terhadap bakal penduduk di Sutera Damansara sendiri.
Ini kerana masalah-masalah berbangkit akan turut dihadapi oleh semua pihak termasuklah mereka yang bakal menghuni Sutera Damansara.
Manakan tidak, baru sahaja hendak tinggal di rumah yang selesa, penduduk menghadapi masalah sukar hendak keluar dan masuk ke kawasan perumahan akibat tindakan pemaju mereka yang tidak menyediakan kemudahan jalan raya yang baik.
Penduduk juga mempersoalkan tindakan Majlis Bandaraya Petaling Jaya (MBPJ) meluluskan projek berkenaan tanpa merujuk kepada penduduk.
Mereka menegaskan, bukankah setiap pembangunan yang berhampiran atau melibatkan penduduk setempat, MBPJ perlu mendapatkan persetujuan penduduk?
Monday, July 6, 2009
Bukit Lanjan Interchange
Soil movements have been detected at hills near Bukit Lanjan Interchange. PLUS is now carrying out slope stabilization.
Please exercise caution.
Soil movements have been detected at hills near Bukit Lanjan Interchange. PLUS is now carrying out slope stabilization.
Please exercise caution.
Jaringan AJK Got Robbed!!
Salam and Greetings to all!
I would like to inform everyone that just last week, I was robbed in a highway scam. I didn't loose my life and was not harmed in any way but traumatized nonetheless.
If you have the time, please do read the whole episode in the attached file.
You may also find the police report and a recording of another attempted robbery just minutes after mine. This could happen to anyone even you, so be extra careful in the streets of Kuala Lumpur or anywhere for that matter.
Well folks, the moral of this event are plenty but the major ones, as adviced by the police, were:
I was lucky to be alive to tell you this story. I was given a second chance. Unfortunately some failed. Take the gist of my story and follow the advice of the Police Officer. You might be the next victim.
If ever you need the Police to assist you in any way possible, just call - 03-227444465
Since I lost my hand phone with almost 900 phone numbers, I do hope all of you can either email me your contact number or sms me your phone number so that I can store them again.
Thank you.
Best Regards,
Shamsul Mohd Nor
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Hand Phone No : +6 019 212 1705
I would like to inform everyone that just last week, I was robbed in a highway scam. I didn't loose my life and was not harmed in any way but traumatized nonetheless.
If you have the time, please do read the whole episode in the attached file.
You may also find the police report and a recording of another attempted robbery just minutes after mine. This could happen to anyone even you, so be extra careful in the streets of Kuala Lumpur or anywhere for that matter.
Well folks, the moral of this event are plenty but the major ones, as adviced by the police, were:
I was lucky to be alive to tell you this story. I was given a second chance. Unfortunately some failed. Take the gist of my story and follow the advice of the Police Officer. You might be the next victim.
If ever you need the Police to assist you in any way possible, just call - 03-227444465
Since I lost my hand phone with almost 900 phone numbers, I do hope all of you can either email me your contact number or sms me your phone number so that I can store them again.
Thank you.
Best Regards,
Shamsul Mohd Nor
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Hand Phone No : +6 019 212 1705
Thursday, July 2, 2009
"No Intrusion" Press Conference


Sri Damansara Residents Say No To New Link Road
United front: The residents holding up placards voicing their disapproval.
SOME 200 residents of Bandar Sri Damansara, Petaling Jaya, gathered to protest against a proposed link road leading to their township by a nearby developer.
The residents claim that the developer had proposed the link in order to encourage sales for the residential development next to Damansara Damai. They also said the development was in progress and the developer has submitted a proposal for the link but no permission had been given yet.
Bandar Sri Damansara Residents Association president Ravindran Kutty said the new housing development should be provided with proper infrastructure. He said the developers should not be cutting corners by riding on Bandar Sri Damansara’s limited means of exits and ingress.
“There are 60,000 people living here and the present infrastructure, road, ingress, traffic lights and trumpet exchange were designed for the existing households. “Any further link from external projects will jeopardise the harmony and livelihood as well as open the floodgates,” he said. Ravindran said the development had an existing link with Damansara Damai via the Armanee Condominium.
“We have seven schools in the area, which already causes traffic jams. By opening the new link, 20,000 cars and vehicles will be using our internal roads daily and aggravating the U-turn on the Damansara-Puchong Highway,” he said. Other issues like illegal parking and security were also brought up by the residents as a result of the new link. The residents are urging the Petaling Jaya Municipal Council (MBPJ) to consider their concerns and grounds for objection before giving any approval to the new link. The residents have also approached former MBPJ councillor for the area Chan Chee Kong regarding the matter.
Also see NST Streets Pg S2.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Kursus Pengurusan Jenazah Masjid Al-Mukarramah
Kursus pengurusan jenazah untuk muslimah. Butiran seperti berikut:
Tarikh: Sabtu 18 Julai 2009
Masa: 8.30 pagi hingga 4.30 petang
Tempat: Bilik Muslimah Masjid Al-Mukarramah, Bandar Sri Damansara
Tempat terhad. Siapa yang berminat sila hubungi Pejabat Masjid 03.6272.3944 atau Pn. Hajah Wan Mahiran 012.360.4526 untuk pendaftaran sebelum 15 Julai 2009. Penyertaan adalah percuma. Makanan disediakan.
Tarikh: Sabtu 18 Julai 2009
Masa: 8.30 pagi hingga 4.30 petang
Tempat: Bilik Muslimah Masjid Al-Mukarramah, Bandar Sri Damansara
Tempat terhad. Siapa yang berminat sila hubungi Pejabat Masjid 03.6272.3944 atau Pn. Hajah Wan Mahiran 012.360.4526 untuk pendaftaran sebelum 15 Julai 2009. Penyertaan adalah percuma. Makanan disediakan.
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